Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM 2016 - Leftover: Neighbours

(Published on 15. June 2016, 20:16 by CHalb)

Place digits 1-3 in the grid so that in each row and column each digit appears twice. Digits in grey cells do not share an edge with a cell containing the same digit. Digits in white cells share an edge with at least one cell containing the same digit.

First puzzle of this kind in the portal: Neighbours (1)

Solution code: The two main diagonals starting top left and top right.

Last changed on on 16. June 2016, 11:07

Solved by ibag, pwahs, usp, Calavera, pin7guin, tuace, Joe Average, saskia-daniela, dm_litv, r45, AnnaTh, Luigi, Rollo, Krokofant, flaemmchen, moss, Statistica, zorant, pokerke, rob, mango, ch1983, Alex, MaM, ... Matt, Toastbrot, SilBer, Saskia, pirx, alex2015, Nothere, jessica6, Gotroch, skywalker, rimodech, NikolaZ, jirk, Dotty, cdwg2000, Dandelo, amitsowani, rcg, misko, athin, geronimo92, Raistlen, helle
Full list


Last changed on 16. June 2016, 19:28

on 16. June 2016, 19:28 by CHalb
Glaubt bloß nicht, dass ich eure Kommentare nicht lese... ;-)

on 16. June 2016, 18:55 by Joe Average
Stimmt.... man könnte theoretisch mehrere Ziffern in ein Feld schreiben.;-)

on 16. June 2016, 14:52 by Statistica
Das steht da jetzt auch immer noch nicht ;-)

on 16. June 2016, 11:07 by CHalb
Deutsche Anleitung präzisiert; bisher war nicht klar, dass jedes Feld zu füllen ist.

Rating:86 %
Solved:72 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Small

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