Sudoku & Magnetplatten (6x6)
(Published on 13. June 2016, 15:20 by RobertBe)
Fill the grid with numbers 1-6 on each line, column and 2x3 block (grey/white coloured blocks).
In addition, the grid is divided into magnets. Numbers on top and to the left indicate the number of positive and negative poles. Positive poles are represented by even numbers (246), while negative poles are represented by odd numbers (135). Neutral plates can contain all combinations (both even, both odd, one even+one odd). Positive poles cannot be adjacent to other positive poles; likewise for negative poles.
Please note: Positive pole next to neutral plate with even number is allowed!
Solution code: Sudoku: row 4, followed by column 5; then Magnetplatten row 4 and column 5 (12x +, - or N)
Last changed on on 13. June 2016, 17:11
Solved by ch1983, pin7guin, moss, CHalb, pokerke, ibag, Zzzyxas, zorant, Joe Average, mango, Luigi, Statistica, derwolf23, tuace, Uhu, zuzanina, sandmoppe, saskia-daniela, Rollo, Laje6, r45, KlausRG, marcmees, ... jessica6, Julianl, swotty, Mathi, MagicMichi, zhuyunxuan, NikolaZ, Kekes, rcg, Raistlen, ParaNox, SEPHEN, misko, abadx, metacom, losingreallybadly, Dez256, Mark Sweep, helle, jgarber, drf93
on 27. June 2023, 23:02 by losingreallybadly
Penpa+ link:
on 23. June 2016, 22:42 by pin7guin
@skypper: Die Zeilen 2, 5 und 6 stimmen komplett.
on 14. June 2016, 19:32 by r45
Bei der Anmerkung fehlt m.E.: "Negativ geladene Pole dürfen an neutralen Platten mit ungeraden Ziffern angrenzen!"
on 13. June 2016, 17:11 by RobertBe
Auch die Lösungscode übersetzt
on 13. June 2016, 17:09 by RobertBe
Übersetzung auf Deutsch, Vielen Dank Pin7guin!