Kid Sudoku
Inspiration for this variant comes from LMI Sudoku Test January 2011
Solve online in F-Puzzles (thx bbutrosghali!)
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The clues on the outside are given by a kid that can't count past 9. He adds up all digits in each row from left to right. Every time the sum would go over 9 he restarts. So for example the clue for the row 154638279 would be 6 4 9 8 9 9.
Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 6.
on 29. December 2024, 15:45 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:
on 14. July 2022, 16:45 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx bbutrosghali!
on 11. July 2022, 06:27 by TomBradyLambeth
"Very nice" does not do this one justice. Spectacular.
Reply: Thank you very much! :-)
on 5. April 2021, 19:36 by bbutrosghali
Best I could do on F-puzzles - sorry about the lack of spacing.
on 19. June 2016, 13:35 by Saskia
Das machte richtig Spass :-D Gern einmal wieder!!
on 5. February 2016, 19:31 by Richard
@ManuH: 126 = 9 and indeed: alle Zahlen bis zur Stelle wo es über 9 ginge?
on 2. February 2016, 23:26 by sandmoppe
Da kann ich mich meinem Vorschreiber nur anschließen.
on 2. February 2016, 19:10 by HaSe
Großartige Variante - mit wirklich toller Umsetzung - so macht Sudoku richtig Spaß
on 2. February 2016, 12:37 by Statistica
Also mich haben die 4er entscheidend weitergebracht... :-)
on 2. February 2016, 11:18 by Senior
Großartig - dieses Jonglieren mit der 9!