Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Doppelte Adventssummen zum Warmwerden

(Published on 27. November 2015, 08:00 by Luigi)

Doppelte Adventssummen

Christmas is coming quickly. Gifts have to be bought, lots of work is to be done. For a little christmas brake i have prepared a little Advent puzzle series, which will become more difficult from puzzle to puzzle. :-))

This little puzzle is ment as a tiny sneek into what will come up next for you as "Christmas challenge".

Have fun and hopefully enjoy a peaceful pre-christmastime!

Best regards!

Here is a raster with given sums, like in a japanese sum puzzle.

Additional rules:

In every row or column every number from 1-4 can be placed max two times. Same numbers may not touch, not even diagonally.

Within a single sum all numbers have to be different.

Solution code: Both diagonals from top left to bottom right and top right to bottom left. Type S for blackened fields.

Last changed on -

Solved by r45, dm_litv, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, Statistica, relzzup, tuace, Uhu, saskia-daniela, ibag, mango, sandmoppe, zorant, ch1983, Alex, pin7guin, cornuto, pokerke, marsigel, AnnaTh, CHalb, Rollo, Rollie, ... Joo M.Y, kopfball, Chaos, NikolaZ, Krokant, Feadoor, ropeko, amitsowani, Errorandy, athin, misko, rcg, Raistlen, CJK, Dugong, nmk1218, Drawoon, abadx, Incurrsion, yusuf17, Javier Rebottaro, helle
Full list


on 19. May 2021, 05:26 by LaplaceFox
penpa+ link for solving (no solution provided): https://git.io/JsaPF

on 3. December 2015, 20:36 by HaSe
weil Du es nicht brauchtest ;-)

on 27. November 2015, 14:14 by ibag
Hm, ich hatte das mit der Diagonalberührung völlig überlesen ...

on 27. November 2015, 09:19 by Luigi
@Statistica: Da gebe ich Dir grundsätzlich recht. Allerdings müssten in diesem Fall für die Wahrung der Eindeutigkeit deutlich mehr Vorgaben gemacht werden. Du wirst sehen, dass mit zunehmender Größe selbst diese Variante seine Tücken hat.

on 27. November 2015, 09:10 by Statistica
Schöne Idee. Ich glaube aber ohne die letzte Bedingung würde die Rätselart einiges an Charme gewinnen...

Rating:84 %
Solved:107 times
Observed:5 times

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