Zum Warmwerden - Hakyuu-Kapseln 1
(Published on 27. November 2015, 10:00 by uvo)
In this year's Logic Masters, there was a team round, consisting of three puzzles interacting with each other: Skyscrapers, Kakuro and a Hakyuu-Capsules combination. When the test solvers rated the round too difficult, I created another, easier version, which was used in the championship. I will publish the original version here in the portal within the next days; as warm-up there are a few puzzles of these three puzzle types.
Hakyuu-Capsules: Place a digit into each cell, so that each region contains all digits from 1 to N exactly once, where N denotes the size of that region (measured in cells). Cells containing identical digits must not touch each other, not even diagonally. If two identical digits appear in the same row or column, then at least that many cells with other digits must separate them.
Solution code: The marked rows.
Last changed on on 27. November 2015, 10:45
Solved by Rollo, Uhu, ch1983, Zzzyxas, dm_litv, Statistica, tuace, Luigi, sf2l, saskia-daniela, zorant, r45, CHalb, cornuto, pokerke, Alex, AnnaTh, pin7guin, derwolf23, Mody, Krokofant, ibag, sternchen, ... Resu, skywalker, RobertBe, Matt, pandiani42, Joe Average, amitsowani, Joo M.Y, jessica6, Schachus, rimodech, Krokant, glum_hippo, synth, misko, Saskia, Realshaggy, garganega, Mars, marsigel
on 21. May 2020, 21:45 by glum_hippo
Einfach irre, wieviel 'task-switching' erfordert wird.
on 28. November 2015, 11:11 by Mody
Hier habe ich wohl einen neuen Rekord an falschen Lösungscodeeingaben erreicht :)
on 27. November 2015, 11:29 by Statistica
Klein, aber...knifflig!