Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rätsel im Advent (17): Höhle

(Published on 17. December 2015, 09:00 by usp)

Blacken some empty cells such that all black cells are connected to the edge of the grid and all white cells are connected with each other. Diagonally adjacent cells do not count as connected cells. Clues determine how many white cells are visible in horizontal and vertical direction, including the cell itself.

Solution code: The length of the longest sequence of black cells in every row from top to bottom

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Solved by dm_litv, moss, zorant, deu, rob, tuace, Luigi, Alex, term, ch1983, Uhu, r45, Zzzyxas, BFaw, saskia-daniela, CHalb, pokerke, Statistica, HaSe, cornuto, ManuH, karzym, ibag, pin7guin, AnnaTh, ffricke, ... Matt, JonaS2010, Senior, Toastbrot, rimodech, adam001, marcmees, mango, jessica6, Nothere, RobertBe, skywalker, Krokant, Julianl, amitsowani, athin, misko, Greg, EKBM, chrisbee2, KNT, wooferzfg
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Rating:83 %
Solved:70 times
Observed:5 times

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