Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rätsel im Advent (13): Tapasyu

(Published on 13. December 2015, 09:00 by usp)

Draw a closed loop into the grid. It must go from the center of one cell to the center of a horizontally or vertically adjacent cell, passing every cell at most one time.

The loop uses every cell with a circle. Circles may be blackened. In white circles the loop keeps straight on but bends in at least one of the adjacent cells (following the loop). In black circles the loop bends but keeps straight on in both adjacent cells.

The loop must not pass cells containing numbers. A number determines how many of the neighbouring cells are used by the loop. These cells must form a group not interrupted by empty cells, but need not to be a contiguous part of the loop. Distinct groups of loop cells around the same numeric cell must be partened by at least one empty cell.

Solution code: For every column from left to right the lenth of the longest vertical line

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Solved by deu, HaSe, Luigi, rob, r45, dm_litv, Zzzyxas, tuace, pirx, nicole1303, zorant, ch1983, moss, ManuH, Thomster, pokerke, CHalb, BFaw, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, Statistica, pin7guin, cornuto, ffricke, ... rimodech, jessica6, Mars, Julianl, RobertBe, bereolosp, Ours brun, skywalker, amitsowani, NogBolog, misko, athin, Max Euwe, Mark Sweep, Echatsum, Raistlen, helle, uvo, DiMono, Jesper, puzzler05
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on 14. December 2015, 10:06 by usp

Last changed on 14. December 2015, 09:45

on 14. December 2015, 09:45 by Statistica
Wieso? Der 14. ist nur im Februar der Valentinstag <3

on 13. December 2015, 14:41 by CHalb
Ich finde, dieses Rätsel kommt mindestens einen Tag zu früh ;-).

on 13. December 2015, 09:17 by Luigi
Da haben wohl wieder einige pünktlichst ihr Türchen geöffnet... ;-))

Rating:92 %
Solved:76 times
Observed:7 times

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