Place mirrors into the grid to direct a ray of light from the entering cell to the exit cell, both marked with arrows. The ray has to pass every cell containing a number at least once and may cross itself. Light that enters the entering or exit cells perpendicular to the arrow passes these cells unaffectedly.
Mirrors are placed diagonally into empty cells, there may as well be mirrors in the entering or exit cell. Both sides of a mirror reflect light in a right angle. No unused mirrors are placed. Cells containing mirrors do not touch, not even diagonally.
Numbers indicate the lengths of each part of the ray (restricted by mirrors or the start/exit of the ray) which passes through their cell. The length of such a part equals the number of lines of the grid it crosses.
Solution code: From left to right the number of mirrors per column
on 11. December 2015, 20:17 by CHalb
Ha! Nun auf zu weiteren Kabinettstückchen.
on 10. December 2015, 10:42 by usp
Insbesondere dieses Exemplar. Das ist eigentlich schon ein Jahr alt, lag aber wegen anderer Uneindeutigkeit die ganze Zeit rum ...
on 10. December 2015, 10:40 by tuace
Ja, so ist es wohl eindeutig. Immer so schön verwirrend, diese Spiegelkabinette :)
on 10. December 2015, 10:36 by usp
Minimale Änderung am Diagramm.
on 10. December 2015, 10:16 by usp
Ja, eigentlich schon ... Meinst du, du hast eine zweite? Verdeckter Kommentar / Bild?
on 10. December 2015, 09:53 by Statistica
Sicher, dass es da nur eine Lösung gibt?