Replace the letters ADVENT by different numbers greater than 0.
Blacken some empty cells such that all black cells are connected and no 2x2 area is completely black. Clues determine how many of the vertically, horizontally and diagonally adjacent cells are black. Each number corresponds to a connected group of black cells. Different groups of black cells around the same clue cell are separated by at least one empty cell.
Solution code: The numbers for ADVENT and the sixth colum from top to bottom, S for black cells and W for empty cells and clues
on 5. April 2023, 08:55 by NIGHTCRAULER
on 2. December 2015, 09:47 by AnnaTh
Hurra, da durfte ich auch ein "Törchen" öffnen, nicht nur die Kinder! Und die (1) legt nahe, dass noch weitere kommen ...
Vielen Dank!