3457 Scyscraper Sudoku
A Sudoku grid is given with some numbers being regarded as scyscraper hints.
Place numbers from 1 to 9 in the grid, so that in each row, column and 3x3 area no number will repeat.
The numbers outside the grid are scyscraper hints. All values 3, 4, 5 and 7 are given. All other values are different and have to be found out by yourself.
Solution code: Both diagonals from top to bottom, starting from upper left to bottom right than from upper right to bottom left.
on 4. September 2018, 09:25 by StefanSch
Das war ein Genuss!
on 23. October 2015, 17:47 by marcmees
Thanks for spoiling us.
on 22. October 2015, 14:21 by ibag
Hat Spass gemacht! ;-)
on 22. October 2015, 08:14 by AnnaTh
"Schön, dass du wieder Rätsel einstellst" - genau dasselbe habe ich auch gedacht! :)
on 21. October 2015, 19:24 by Eisbär
3457... the new 2358 :-)))
on 21. October 2015, 18:02 by flaemmchen
Schön, dass Du wieder Rätsel einstellst :-))
Hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
on 21. October 2015, 15:07 by Luigi
@Zzzyxas: In der englischen Version war noch das Bild der 2358 Variante eingebettet...
on 21. October 2015, 15:05 by Zzzyxas
Was hat sich denn an dem Bild geändert?
on 21. October 2015, 14:55 by Luigi
"real" picture included....
Es geht nicht wirklich ohne L.E. ....
on 21. October 2015, 14:28 by zorant
When will we be able to see the real picture sudoku 3457? -:)