2358 Scyscraper Sudoku
A Sudoku grid is given with some numbers being regarded as scyscraper hints.
Place numbers from 1 to 9 in the grid, so that in each row, column and 3x3 area no number will repeat.
The numbers outside the grid are scyscraper hints. All values 2,3,5 and 8 are given. All other values are different and have to be found out by yourself.
Solution code: Both diagonals from top to bottom. First from upper left to lower right, than from upper right to lower left.
on 10. July 2016, 16:00 by Saskia
Love it :)
on 21. October 2015, 23:17 by Luigi
Stichwort hinzugefügt...
on 21. October 2015, 23:17 by Luigi
Ja.... ähem.... sofort!
on 21. October 2015, 20:00 by CHalb
Hier fehlt ein Stichwort :-)).
on 21. October 2015, 15:37 by skypper
Genauer Lesen hätte mir viel Zeit gespart. Das Rätsel hat aber viel Spaß gemacht
on 21. October 2015, 11:24 by Luigi
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