Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (100) - Irregular Twin

(Published on 27. October 2015, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

From 2008 until the beginning of 2013 I have been writing sudoku variants for a sudoku magazine on a monthly basis. One of the variants was the Irregular Twin (or: Twin Chaos). It was always my favorite variant of the set. I really enjoyed searching grid lay-outs that could be combined. The most beautiful one that I have ever made contained only eight given digits, which is, of course, the absolute minimum. It was too hard for the magazine, so I published it here in the portal. It has been a while since I have written an Irregular Twin, and since I like it so much, I reserved this type to be the 100th variant in my SVS. It has 10 given digits, but with a very nice arrangement. Enjoy it!

Irregular Twin
Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and bold outlined irregular area of both grids. Both grids have the same solution.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx bbutrosghali!)

Solution code: Row 5, followed by row 9.

Last changed on on 14. July 2022, 11:47

Solved by r45, rcg, ibag, sojaboon, Zzzyxas, Senior, Uhu, pin7guin, Marian, marcmees, flaemmchen, zorant, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, ch1983, CHalb, adam001, Luigi, pokerke, KlausRG, skypper, derwolf23, kishy72, ... bbutrosghali, GexTed, CJK, Nick Smirnov, AMD, Jaych, misko, Greg, snowyegret, TomBradyLambeth, Angelo, Nylimb, juventino188, Piatato, Nickyo, JH24, CGeom, Jordan Timm, Hydalin, kaysis
Full list


on 27. November 2022, 12:41 by Piatato
Amazing! Thanks for taking the time to find this beauty for us. :-D

on 14. July 2022, 11:47 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx bbutrosghali!

on 31. March 2021, 18:23 by bbutrosghali
Penpa implementation:

on 31. March 2021, 15:18 by Tintenklexs
Wow, consider me blown away. This was SUCH a treat. It was my first time trying my hand at this type of Sudoku and what a joy it was. It felt like a wonderful, harmonious movement of my mind, swinging back and forth between the two Sudokus, slowly making sense of it. I feel so refreshed right now.
Thank you so much, Richard!

on 26. November 2020, 22:33 by SirWoezel
Finally! What a fantastic puzzle. But I surely hope I’ll never have to restart the same puzzle again as often as I had to restart this one.

on 1. June 2020, 07:03 by Phistomefel
@Richard: Thanks a lot for your answer! I have to admit that I hoped there would be a technique for setting such a beautiful pattern of digits, but the fine tuning of a puzzle always takes its time.

on 1. June 2020, 06:41 by Richard
@Phistomefel: Most important is a combination of grids that don't conflict with the Law of Leftovers. After that, placing givens is a matter of T&E to find a nice arrangement that works. This took ages, as I remember it right. (It's already five years ago...)

on 31. May 2020, 14:48 by Phistomefel
Very nice puzzle! The interplay of the geometry in the two grids is amazing and very enjoyable. If I may ask a question about the construction process, I would love to know how you came up with this beautiful arrangement of the given digits.

on 28. September 2017, 17:43 by JonaS2010
Fantastic puzzle! Now I am halfway through with all puzzles so far, and look forward to the next 100 :)

on 18. November 2016, 10:42 by ohm0123
Cool. Cool. Cool.

on 27. September 2016, 22:41 by Danielle
Uiii, sehr schön!

on 30. October 2015, 16:43 by HaSe

on 28. October 2015, 15:27 by Rollo
Ganz toll!!!

on 28. October 2015, 06:13 by Richard
Label change

on 27. October 2015, 17:18 by AnnaTh
Another masterpiece! Thank you! Happy 100!

on 27. October 2015, 13:17 by flaemmchen
Vielen Dank Richard für die vielen schönen Sudokus dieser Reihe! Und auch ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten 100 :-))

on 27. October 2015, 12:31 by marcmees
thanks Richard.

on 27. October 2015, 11:52 by pin7guin
Vielen Dank, Richard! Und ich schließe mich meinen Vorrednern an. :-)

Last changed on 27. October 2015, 11:15

on 27. October 2015, 10:48 by Senior
Excellent No. 100 - congratulations and thank you, Richard!

on 27. October 2015, 08:17 by ibag
Very nice No. 100. I'm looking forward to the next 100 Sudokus!

on 27. October 2015, 07:31 by rcg
Congratulations Richard with your 100th suduko variant. I look forward to the next 100.

Rating:96 %
Solved:128 times
Observed:16 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Multi-grid puzzle

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