Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Finale: Doppelblock

(Published on 2. August 2015, 00:00 by pin7guin)

Dear Christian - who is allowed to be named ;-) -, Happy Birthday again!

Replace C, H, A, L, B and "49" respectively.
Shade some cells and place digits from 0 to 4 into the grid, so that each row and column contains each digit exactly once as well as two shaded cells. The numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits between the two shaded cells in the respective row or column.

Solution code: The two diagonals from top left to bottom right and from top right to bottom left, S fpr blackened fields.

Last changed on -

Solved by Zzzyxas, rimodech, saskia-daniela, Mody, r45, tuace, matter, ibag, Joe Average, pirx, fridgrer, CHalb, BFaw, pokerke, RALehrer, AnnaTh, ffricke, zorant, ch1983, Alex, Statistica, dm_litv, Rollo, uvo, ... StefanSch, moss, Danielle, Thomster, ildiko, Joo M.Y, habert62, ManuH, Lohnecke, Mathi, Mars, sandmoppe, Julianl, jessica6, Realshaggy, Matt, Quetzal, Krokant, amitsowani, misko, Ours brun, nmk1218
Full list


on 4. November 2015, 19:07 by ManuH
Ah, danke!

on 31. August 2015, 18:42 by RobertBe
Schöne Serie. Vielen Dank und alles Gute!

on 13. August 2015, 16:00 by zuzanina
Vielen Dank für diese schöne Serie und alles Gute nachträglich zum Geburtstag auch von mir!! :-)

on 3. August 2015, 16:56 by Alex
Schoene Serie! Und Herzlichen Glueckwunsch nachtraeglich.

on 2. August 2015, 22:58 by CHalb
Knackiger Abschluss. Vielen Dank, die Serie hat echt Spaß gemacht.

on 2. August 2015, 11:32 by ibag
Rollo: Ja!

on 2. August 2015, 11:31 by ibag
Ja, klasse wenn man da mitfeiern darf! ;-))

on 2. August 2015, 08:47 by r45
Vielen Dank für die sehr schöne Rätselreihe, Geburtstage feiern ist einfach toll!

on 2. August 2015, 08:45 by Mody
Klein und gemein durch die Null :). Mir hat es gut gefallen.

Rating:80 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:9 times

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