Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6. Pentomino-Loop

(Published on 1. August 2015, 01:00 by pin7guin)

Place some of the 12 different Pentominos in the grid in a way that they form a single closed loop that doesn't touch or cross itself, according to the following rules:

Every Pentomino is used at most once.

Two neighboring Pentominos touch each other exactly at one side of one cell.

Pentominos may never touch each other diagonally.

The given Pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored.

The digits in the cells indicate the number of sides of that cells that are used by Pentominos.

For an example see: Pentomino Loop

"49" = Number of fields outside the loop (and without fields enclosed by the loop).

Solution code: Row 5 and column 2: The letter of the pentomino or "-" for an empty field.

Last changed on -

Solved by Joe Average, matter, fridgrer, r45, Luigi, Rollo, ibag, Alex, Faxi, tuace, ch1983, Mody, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, Krokofant, CHalb, Zzzyxas, rimodech, sandmoppe, RALehrer, pokerke, pirx, BFaw, ... relzzup, habert62, pwahs, Lohnecke, rakesh, lolo, jirk, Mathi, Mars, Matt, Julianl, jessica6, Realshaggy, Dandelo, Quetzal, Krokant, amitsowani, misko, Ours brun, ymhsbmbesitwf, nmk1218, h5663454
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on 5. October 2022, 03:53 by h5663454
puzz link:

on 19. August 2015, 12:15 by Danielle
Ganz schönes Umdenken zu den normalen Rundwegrätseln. Für mich deutlich schwerer als die ersten 5 der Serie.

on 2. August 2015, 17:43 by CHalb
Brilliant observation (haven't proved it yet). But strange ideas you have I'd say ;-).

on 2. August 2015, 08:47 by RALehrer
Interesting fact: this also has a unique solution as a slitherlink filled with pentominoes,where the clues are defined as above.

Rating:84 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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