Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (087) - Slot Machine

(Published on 28. July 2015, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Slot Machine
Apply classic sudoku rules. The three shaded columns are like the rolls on a slot machine. The 9 numbers they contain have to be in exactly the same order, taking into account that they wrap around the grid from top to bottom.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thx bbutrosghali!)

Solution code: Row 3, followed by column 8

Last changed on on 14. July 2022, 11:17

Solved by fridgrer, KlausRG, Senior, Joe Average, Uhu, r45, rcg, Luigi, AnnaTh, zorant, Krokofant, flaemmchen, Statistica, moss, tuace, Zzzyxas, pokerke, cornuto, mango, ManuH, Katrin K, ffricke, ... tompko, Duga, september, kp0hyc, wiry, Viola canadensis, kaysis, cascadeshiker, Gotroch, maeffchen, mluciano98, underdude, k2u5as, Rüdiger, sinchai4547, koiking, Toren, sisk0, Illuminated
Full list


Last changed on 8. February 2025, 11:17

on 19. December 2024, 07:24 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:

on 15. February 2023, 22:30 by Hydalin
Very nice setup and very approachable - thank you, Richard!

on 16. November 2022, 07:35 by Richard
Wonderful revival of this sudoku these days!
Is there perhaps a recent video solve of it somewhere?

on 14. July 2022, 11:17 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx bbutrosghali!

on 19. March 2021, 04:44 by bbutrosghali

on 28. July 2015, 08:12 by Krokofant

on 28. July 2015, 07:59 by AnnaTh
Gefällt mir!

on 28. July 2015, 04:48 by r45
Sehr schön!

Rating:91 %
Solved:200 times
Observed:16 times

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