Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (077) - DoubleDoku

(Published on 19. May 2015, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Apply Classic Sudoku rules. Additionally, there are two overlapping classic sudoku grids, and both must have valid solutions.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Krokant!)

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 9.

Last changed on on 14. July 2022, 11:00

Solved by deu, KlausRG, azalozni, Senior, r45, heiderkinder, flaemmchen, fridgrer, zorant, Statistica, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, AnnaTh, marcmees, rcg, marsigel, Luigi, moss, 111chrisi, pokerke, WAW, CHalb, ... snowyegret, TomBradyLambeth, Steven R, Angelo, ksoekarjo, juventino188, Piatato, Nickyo, geronimo92, CGeom, mjozska1985, Queteimp, Hydalin, Nylimb, kaysis, maeffchen, mluciano98, sisk0, Illuminated
Full list


Last changed on 8. February 2025, 11:09

on 14. December 2024, 19:22 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:

on 14. July 2022, 11:00 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Krokant!

on 22. April 2021, 01:22 by Krokant
Haven't done overlapping sudokus for quite some time. Easy and nice one. :)

Penpa+ link for online solving: https://git.io/JO6VM

on 10. November 2016, 13:19 by ohm0123
I not written numbers, I not solved. I written numbers, l solved. Good.

on 18. October 2015, 17:54 by RobertBe
No, in the instruction Richard wrote DoubleDdoku :)

on 18. October 2015, 17:49 by Eisbär
I assume you mean Double Dutch (Advent) Robert? :-P

on 18. October 2015, 17:42 by RobertBe
DoubleD-doku: every man's dream sudoku :)

Rating:84 %
Solved:143 times
Observed:16 times

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