Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Loopki 0

(Published on 22. April 2015, 20:41 by rob)

Try to solve the original Loopki next.

Draw a single loop consisting of vertical and horizontal segments between dots that does not touch or cross itself. For each cell, this loop visits a certain number of corners and edges. If there is a black dot in a cell, one of these numbers is equal to the other number multiplied by two. If there is a white dot in a cell, the two numbers are consecutive. If there is no dot in a cell, neither of these conditions applies.



Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop, clockwise from the top left.

Last changed on on 23. April 2015, 21:34

Solved by r45, RALehrer, jalbert, matter, ibag, moss, Luigi, Joe Average, pin7guin, pokerke, Statistica, tuace, Uhu, zorant, pirx, AnnaTh, ManuH, sf2l, derwolf23, sandmoppe, Babsi, Rollo, Alex, ch1983, ... lupo, uvo, fridgrer, rimodech, adam001, dm_litv, relzzup, kiwijam, kaberg, NikolaZ, Resu, Gotroch, ildiko, amitsowani, NogBolog, SebastianSimon, misko, EKBM, zuzanina, damasosos92, ClashCode
Full list


on 7. December 2015, 21:42 by kiwijam
I gave up on this at first and struggled through the other loopki, but then I returned here with more knowledge and quickly found the break-in, and enjoyed the whole puzzle.

on 7. May 2015, 10:34 by flaemmchen
Danke, dann muss ich ja jetzt nur noch den Zipfel finden ;-))

on 6. May 2015, 20:22 by ibag
@flaemmchen: Weil 0 das doppelte von 0 ist, oder? ;-)

on 6. May 2015, 19:05 by flaemmchen
Warum ist in dem Beispiel oben rechts ein schwarzer Punkt bei 0/0 ?

on 23. April 2015, 21:34 by rob
Deutsche Regeln wasserdichter gemacht. (Das "auch" war hier ein "darf auch", kein "auch kein"...)

on 23. April 2015, 21:28 by Joe Average
There's a difference between the english and the german rules: The english version states that in blank cells neither rule applies, whereas the german Version makes it seem being optionl whether either rule applies to blank cells or not.

If it's supposed to be a definite No, you need to leave out the "auch" in the last sentence.

on 23. April 2015, 07:24 by ibag
Klasse!!! Man braucht nur den richtigen Zipfel zu finden, dann kann man es in einem Zug hinmalen.

Last changed on 23. April 2015, 00:48

on 23. April 2015, 00:47 by RALehrer
ah - the rule I missed was the converse rule!

on 22. April 2015, 22:54 by pin7guin
@RALehrer: But then what about the white circles in columns 4 and 5?

Last changed on 22. April 2015, 22:56

on 22. April 2015, 22:54 by rob
@RALehrer: Probably something is unclear. If a cell is not visited at all, then both the number of used edges and the number of used corners is 0. In particular, there can not be a white circle in such a cell, since the difference of 0 and 0 is not 1.

The pairs of numbers for the top row of the example are 34, 23, 12, 01, 00.

on 22. April 2015, 22:40 by RALehrer
It looks like another solution to the example would be for the 2nd cell in the left column to be the only cell inside the loop. Am I misunderstanding the rules?

on 22. April 2015, 20:39 by rob
Es lohnt sich, nach Logik zu suchen. Auf dem Weg zum großen Bruder kann ich noch das zweite Loopki aus https://maybepuzzles.wordpress.com/2015/04/20/puzzle-set-24-hour-puzzle-marathon-2015-edition/ empfehlen.

Rating:91 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:8 times

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