Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (069) - Shaken Clones

(Published on 24. March 2015, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Shaken Clones
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. There are four different shapes (the WCPN-logo) in the grid. Each shape is cloned, including the digits it contains. The digits in cloned shapes are the same, but their position within the shape may change. This puzzle is a leftover of the Dutch Sudoku Championship 2015; I made more variants than I could use.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Column 2, followed by column 3.

Last changed on on 14. July 2022, 10:39

Solved by azalozni, Senior, tuace, deu, RALehrer, saskia-daniela, Alex, Krokofant, 111chrisi, Statistica, flaemmchen, AnnaTh, cornuto, MaM, Rollo, Katrin K, Zzzyxas, zorant, zuzanina, heiderkinder, ibag, ... ksoekarjo, Angelo, pieter888, juventino188, Piatato, Nickyo, CGeom, mjozska1985, Hydalin, PinkNickels, kaysis, maeffchen, mluciano98, martin1456, SKORP17, tamz29, k2u5as, sisk0, Illuminated
Full list


Last changed on 8. February 2025, 11:01

on 11. December 2024, 19:54 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:

on 14. July 2022, 10:39 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 18. December 2020, 17:55 by Nick Smirnov

on 14. October 2020, 18:58 by roeno1289
Dachte zuerst ich hätte aus Versehen ein schon gelöstes Rätsel ausgedruckt. Sehr schön die gleichen Figuren (und Positionen) zu nehmen wie beim "Clone Sudoku". Ich bin beeindruckt.

on 29. June 2016, 15:24 by ohm0123
It's hard. Specially Final part hard.

Rating:87 %
Solved:157 times
Observed:15 times

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