Wichtel 2014 (14 und Schluss): Durch den Zauberwald
(Published on 17. April 2015, 01:42 by wichtel)
To Christmas 2014 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.
Through the enchanted forest - the last one of the 2014 Wichtel puzzles
Gnome Feertsan was really proud of himself. As every year he got from Santa Claus the job to bring the presents to the elves and trolls into the enchanted forest. But this year he was prepared better than ever. Last time it took him ages because nettlers, tomfools and nags - all as well inhabitants of the forest - constantly messed with his business and trifled with him. They had managed to get hold of his secret map on which he had marked his planned path through the forest and lied ambushes for him. This time he had a splendid ideas and with the help of his gnome puzzle department he packed the way into a puzzle. Let it be stolen, but as birdbrained they were they woud be unable to make something out of it. He opened the letter and read the instructions:
Start your path at the red arrow bottom left and go on orthogonally adjacent cells through the forest.
Number the cells of the path, starting with Zero, One, Two etc. to Nine. Then start again with Zero etc. So each path cell gets a number from Zero to Nine.
The path does not touch or cross itself and ends at the edge of the forest with a Nine.
The green clue cells are Tapa hints for the path. Numbers in a cell give the numbers or the sums of connected path numbers around the clue cell (but never mixed in one cell). You have to find out yourself which cell contains what kind of hints. The green cells are not used by the path.
In the middle is a Sudoku grid (we know, you do not like Sudokus, but that's here not the topic anyway): In each of the small 3x3 squares the path uses exactly three cells and the sum of this three path cells is given by the big grey numbers.
Well, that sounds not too difficult. Gnome Feertsan sat down a while, found his path, nobody disturbed him during his visit in the forest and all the elves and trolls got their Christmas presents in time!
Solution code: Rows 2, 7, 15 and 20; for each from left to right only the numbers on the path.
Last changed on -
Solved by matter, Zzzyxas, Luigi, pirx, jalbert, Joe Average, lupo, r45, tuace, Statistica, AnnaTh, CHalb, deu, Alex, kiwijam, ibag, ch1983, Babsi, rob, moss, ChristJan, zorant, dm_litv, relzzup, ffricke, ManuH, Thomster, Nensche777, polar, misko, Uhu
on 1. May 2015, 08:02 by ibag
Hui, jetzt dachte ich echt auf der langen Zielgerade noch, dass es nicht gehen kann. - Seeeeehr clever!!!!
on 24. April 2015, 08:42 by Alex
Super Raetsel, wie ueberhaupt die gesamte Wichtelserie. Ein grosses Dankeschoen an die ganze Wichtelabteilung!
on 22. April 2015, 12:04 by pin7guin
Ich fand's (finde es - bin noch gar nicht durch... :-) ) auch klasse! Kann man sich jetzt schon voranmelden für die nächste Runde? ;-)
on 22. April 2015, 09:41 by wichtel
Wie schon mal im Forum geschrieben, fand ich auch aus Oberwichtelsicht diese Wichtelrunde wieder grandios. Tolle Geschichten, tolle Ideen und tolle Rätsel; da hab ich besonders gerne Organisator und Portalgeburtshelfer gespielt. Und im nächsten Jahr (also in diesem Jahr) ... ich hab mir jedenfalls eine Notiz im Kalender gemacht.
on 21. April 2015, 13:06 by Statistica
Auch von mir vielen lieben Dank an den (Ober-)wichtel für die viele Mühe. Bis zum nächsten Jahr!
Last changed on 20. April 2015, 17:17on 19. April 2015, 22:48 by r45
Seeeehr schöner Abschluss und ein klasse Rätsel!
PS: Und vielen lieben Dank an unseren Oberwichtel.
on 18. April 2015, 12:05 by Luigi
@Peter Luzifer: Es ist nur ein 9x9 Sudokugitter, kein Sudoku mit Sudokuregeln. Innerhalb dieses Gitters werden in jedem 3x3 Bereich genau drei Felder genutzt.
on 17. April 2015, 09:46 by wichtel
Ich hab Luigis Kommentar sichtbar gemacht. Nein, alle Vorgabefelder sind gleichartig. Auch in 1/1/2 kann jede der drei Zahlen eine Summenangabe für einen Wegblock um das Feld herum sein.
Last changed on 17. April 2015, 09:46on 17. April 2015, 08:25 by Luigi
Nur zur Klarstellung:
Ein Feld mit den Zahlen 1/1/2 beschreibt ganz normale Tapahinweise und ein Feld mit bspw. der 6 kann ein Tapahinweis sein oder aber auch die Summe einzelner Tapahinweise?