Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Variables Tapasyu 50

(Published on 27. March 2015, 00:00 by usp)

Draw a closed loop into the grid. It travels horizontally or vertically between centers of cells, passing every cell at most one time.

The loop visits every cell with a circle. Some circles have to be shaded. In white circles the loop keeps straight on but bends in at least one of the adjacent cells (following the loop). In shaded circles the loop bends but keeps straight on in both adjacent cells.

The loop must not pass cells containing numbers. A number determines how many of the eight neighbouring cells are used by the loop. These cells must form a group not interrupted by empty cells, but do not need to be a contiguous part of the loop. Distinct groups surrounding the same cell must be partened by at least one empty cell.

Example with solution

Solution code of the example: 1122304

Solution code: The number of shaded circles in the solution, and for each row from top to bottom the length of the longest horizontal line

Last changed on -

Solved by saskia-daniela, deu, ch1983, r45, Thomster, matter, lupo, zorant, Zzzyxas, tuace, Alex, derwolf23, Joe Average, sf2l, ManuH, pin7guin, AnnaTh, Statistica, rubbeng, Luigi, moss, Katrin K, BFaw, CHalb, ... cornuto, flaemmchen, Mody, Uhu, NikolaZ, zuzanina, SilBer, sandmoppe, nicole1303, pirx, Matt, jessica6, ildiko, rimodech, skywalker, dandbdi, misko, EKBM, polar, Echatsum, DiMono, Jesper, puzzler05
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on 7. April 2015, 22:40 by ibag
Ich habs müde gemacht. ;-) Nachdem ich tagelang immer wieder im gleichen Widerspruch gelandet bin hab ichs mal eine Woche liegengelassen, da hat es aufgegeben. - Schönes Rätsel!

on 28. March 2015, 10:17 by Alex
Mal wieder toll! Weiter so!

on 27. March 2015, 17:36 by r45
Vielen Dank für die ersten 50, es macht riesig Spaß, Deine Rätsel zu lösen.

on 27. March 2015, 09:06 by ibag
Wahnsinn, schon 50???? Klasse, dann freu ich mich auf die nächsten 50!

on 27. March 2015, 08:37 by pin7guin
Liebe Ute, herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 50 Rätseln im Portal! Bitte mach weiter so!

Rating:96 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:9 times

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