Solve online in F-Puzzles or in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. Wherever 2 odd and 2 even digits form a 2x2 checkerboard pattern, a Battenburg marking is given. If there is no marking, the above pattern is not allowed.
Solution code: Row 3, followed by row 9.
on 10. December 2024, 17:59 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:
on 21. July 2022, 09:00 by Richard
Added extra link for online solving in Penpa+. Thx Nick!
on 20. July 2022, 19:05 by Nick Smirnov
Battenburg markings are now available in Penpa:
on 14. July 2022, 10:36 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 24. October 2021, 11:33 by uvo_mod
Battenburg-Label ergänzt.
on 18. December 2020, 07:42 by Nick Smirnov
F-puzzles (Battenburg markings are represented as white circles):
on 11. March 2015, 21:26 by rcg
Richard, congratulations with this great milestone.
on 11. March 2015, 15:20 by SilBer
Das ist eine sehr schöne Variante. :)
on 11. March 2015, 00:11 by pin7guin
Vielen Dank, Richard, für so viele wunderbare Stunden Rätselspaß!
Auch Dir weiterhin viel Freude beim Rätsel erstellen und lösen!!! :-)
on 10. March 2015, 19:49 by Alex
Congrats and many thanks!!! On to the next 500 ;)
on 10. March 2015, 17:01 by Mody
Vielen, vielen Dank für (mindestens) 500 mal Rätselvergnügen :)
on 10. March 2015, 14:01 by Krokofant
Congratulations and a huge Thanks! for incredible 500 puzzles! :-)
on 10. March 2015, 12:30 by Statistica
Gratulation auch von mir! Und das 500. ist wirklich gelungen! Danke.
on 10. March 2015, 09:53 by flaemmchen
Vielen Dank für Dein 500. Rätsel ( hier im Portal ;-)) ) Richard!