3D Killer targeted
In this puzzle three different grids are given. Every grid is a killer puzzle. The three different grids describe also three different layers, that are places directly on top of each other.(with the given orientation)
Identical numbers will not be placed on top of each other.
Some sum areas are given within each grid.
Yellow areas symbolize the crosshairs and are given for better orientation.
In the last grid perpendicular sums are given. These sums are build out of the three fields being directly above each other.
Killerpuzzle 1-3:
Three different Killer puzzle are given.
Place numbers from 1 to 9 in every row and column so that numbers do not repeat. The given small numbers are the sum of the coloured fields within one grid.
Sum grid:
In this grid the perpendicular sums are given. Every sum is build out of three different numbers.
Solution code: Insert row 5 for each grid from left to right.
on 31. January 2015, 17:33 by flaemmchen
@Modesty: Ach ja, da steht ja noch was. Das habe ich wirklich übersehen, danke!
on 31. January 2015, 17:10 by Mody
Du hast vielleicht (genau wie ich) die einzige Summenvorgabe in den gelben Feldern übersehen (Z5R8=16).
on 30. January 2015, 11:50 by Krokofant
Absolut fantastisch! :)
on 29. January 2015, 13:22 by ffricke
Ich mag diese Killer in 3D
on 29. January 2015, 11:52 by Luigi
Bilder überarbeitet
on 29. January 2015, 10:31 by Luigi
on 29. January 2015, 10:30 by Luigi
Ergänzung der Rätselbeschreibung
on 29. January 2015, 07:23 by Luigi
Yes all numbers have to be different. I will add that to te text.
Thank you for the hint.
on 29. January 2015, 07:12 by RALehrer
It looks like the 3 perpendicular numbers must be different, even if there is not a sum? (Otherwise grid 3 is not unique...)
on 28. January 2015, 23:45 by Luigi
Neues Bild wird nachgereicht.
on 28. January 2015, 22:06 by fridgrer
selbst nach kopieren der graphik nach paint und zoom kann ich einige ziffern nicht klar lesen (z.b. ist im 3. gitter die letzte summe 15 oder 16 ?). waere bitte eine groessere schriftgroesse fuer die braunen summen moeglich?
on 28. January 2015, 22:00 by Luigi