So oder so: Koralle mit Doppelsternen
(Published on 30. July 2015, 16:24 by CHalb)
Coral with Starbattle
Out of the many splendid ideas in the Wichtel puzzles of the last years at last I adopted an idea and varied it a bit. The inspiration derives from Wichtel 2014 (3): An extraordinary discovery.
Blacken some cells building a coral. The coral fills a cell completely or not at all. The coral cells are connected orthogonally, and there is no 2x2 area of black fields. The coral doesn't touch itself, not even diagonally.
Place two stars of the size of one cell in each row and each column. They do not touch, not even diagonally, and mustn't be placed in coral cells.
The numbers outside the grid give completely the block lengths of black cells and additionally the number of cells between the stars. Between two coral blocks must be at least one other cell. So if numbers are given, one of them is the number of cells between the stars and the others describe the coral.
Each question mark stands for an arbitrary number. In the hints of a row or column the question marks always come first and after them the remaining numbers in ascending order.
Solution code: The two diagonals from top left to bottom right and from top right to bottom left; S for coral parts, W for empty cells and X for stars
Solved by tuace, ch1983, matter, Joe Average, Krokofant, fridgrer, pokerke, dm_litv, r45, Luigi, zorant, pirx, Alex, AnnaTh, ibag, adam001, Statistica, Marian, uvo, zuzanina, sf2l, flaemmchen, Thomster, Mody, moss, Resu, Zzzyxas, sandmoppe, relzzup, HaSe, pin7guin, ffricke, MaM, pwahs, usp, uko50, kiwijam, darksida, misko, ildiko, polar
on 14. September 2020, 09:26 by ildiko
A puzzle a day... Solch alte Schätzchen haben es verdient, wenigstens mal kurz in der Kommentarliste nach oben geschubst zu werden.
on 21. October 2016, 10:36 by uko50
Unterhaltsames Zusammenspiel der beiden eng verzahnten Rätselarten
on 18. January 2016, 20:46 by pin7guin
Klasse gemacht! Und wenn man sich erstmal reingedacht hat, findet man auch den schmalen Pfad zur Lösung. :-)
on 13. December 2015, 08:51 by HaSe
Ganz großes Kino
on 30. August 2015, 16:27 by Mody
Toll konstruiert, kein Hinweis zuviel :)
on 4. August 2015, 16:35 by Statistica
Klasse Rätsel, Kompliment!
on 2. August 2015, 13:21 by ibag
Ui, ganz schön trickreich. Musste mit einem hartnäckigen Fehler lange kämpfen. Wunderschön!
on 1. August 2015, 06:17 by AnnaTh
Schön knifflig!
on 31. July 2015, 22:05 by Alex
on 31. July 2015, 08:27 by Krokofant
Das war spannend :)
on 30. July 2015, 19:09 by tuace
Klasse, und nicht gerade einfach, fand ich :)