Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (060) - Quad Sums

(Published on 20. January 2015, 00:00 by Richard)

For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas.

Quad Sums
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. A circle at a corner implies that one digit is the sum of the remaining three digits at that corner.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!) or in Sudokupad (thx sisk0!)

Solution code: Column 4, followed by column 6.

Last changed on on 9. January 2025, 21:07

Solved by fridgrer, r45, zorant, deu, flaemmchen, saskia-daniela, tuace, Statistica, Joe Average, AnnaTh, pin7guin, KlausRG, marcmees, CosmicQuietude, sojaboon, kishy72, Luigi, Alex, Hasenvogel, cornuto, ... geronimo92, Gotroch, Piatato, Nickyo, JH24, CGeom, mjozska1985, Hydalin, Nylimb, Jordan Timm, kaysis, Just me, mluciano98, maeffchen, martin1456, goodcity, k2u5as, sisk0, panthchesh, Illuminated
Full list


on 9. January 2025, 21:07 by Richard
Added extra link for online solving.

Last changed on 8. February 2025, 10:53

on 8. December 2024, 16:37 by sisk0
Sudokupad link:

on 14. July 2022, 10:23 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 13. December 2020, 07:28 by Nick Smirnov

on 9. July 2016, 14:27 by Richard
Nee, da's lekker. Een lagere waardering toekennen omdat je de instructies niet goed leest! :-)

on 22. January 2015, 15:26 by Rollo
Ganz tolles Rätsel, die beiden Quadrate mit vier Punkten sind 'ne Wucht!

on 20. January 2015, 06:07 by Richard
Corrected the solution code description in the German version. The code contains columns 4 and 6 instead of rows 4 and 6. The English version was already correct.

Rating:87 %
Solved:137 times
Observed:18 times

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