Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rätselwochenende: Table for Four - Easy as Pentomino

(Published on 26. November 2014, 16:40 by uvo)

This puzzle was part of a team round "Table for Four" from the recent puzzle weekend.

A similar team round appeared first at this years WPC. In this round, teams of four players had to solve puzzles in four colours; each player had a coloured pen (red, green, blue, black) and wasn't allowed to write in a different colour. Each puzzle has grid size 9x9, and in each colour 20 cells have to be marked; one cell remains empty. No cell can be marked in more than one colour.

By comparison the rules at the puzzle weekend have been changed slightly: Instead of coloured pens, the players were given coloured chips (20 red, yellow, green and blue) which had to be placed on the puzzle grid. Each player was allowed to place only chips of his own colour; no other items were permitted. If you would like to solve the puzzles in this way, here is a PDF with puzzle grids in proper size.

The clues outside the grid apply only for the player with the corresponding colour; the players are seated at four sides of a table, and clues are always orientated towards the player with the corresponding colour.

The rules for each player are:

Place four different pentominos into the grid. Pentominos cannot touch each other, not even diagonally. Pentominos can be rotated and reflected. Clue letters outside the grid represent the first pentomino visible in the corresponding row or column.

Solution code: The marked rows from left to right: for each cell the first letter of the corresponding colour (R=Red, Y=Yellow, G=Green, B=Blue) or X for an empty cell.

Last changed on on 25. June 2024, 13:52

Solved by r45, pokerke, Joe Average, Alex, Uhu, fridgrer, tuace, lutzreimer, CHalb, zorant, ibag, Luigi, pirx, ch1983, Rollo, sf2l, matter, Statistica, jalbert, SilBer, AnnaTh, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, kiwijam, Mody, ildiko, sandmoppe, rob, pin7guin, NikolaZ, dm_litv, rubbeng, ManuH, moss, jessica6, xiao01wei, stefliew, misko
Full list


on 27. February 2019, 18:10 by jessica6
Oh wie schön. Noch ein Ubongo!
Dieses fand ich schon schwerer.

on 29. November 2014, 14:35 by Statistica
Super Rätsel mit schönem Einstieg!

on 28. November 2014, 16:12 by ibag
Ja, genau - diese Freude, als wir das beim Teamwettbewerb gemerkt haben! ;-))

on 27. November 2014, 09:47 by Alex
genau was pokerke schreibt, genial! :)))

Rating:93 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:3 times

Team puzzle Dissection puzzle Pentominoes

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