Rank Sudoku
Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!) or F-Puzzles (thx Narayana!)
Here is another Rank Sudoku
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. A digit ‘X’ in a circle means that the digit in the cell is the X-th smallest digit in the corresponding cage. Digits cannot repeat within a cage.
Solution code: Row 4, followed by row 9.
on 14. July 2022, 09:56 by Richard
Added links and tag for online solving. Thx Nick and Narayana!
on 6. February 2021, 07:27 by Narayana
Not ideal since I could not put ranks in the corner, maybe somebody else can improve it later.
on 3. December 2020, 02:53 by Nick Smirnov
on 30. July 2016, 13:14 by ohm0123
Funny. Good. Thanks Richard.
on 26. November 2014, 09:07 by pin7guin
Auch von mir vielen Dank für dieses erste Jahr mit vielen spannenden Sudoku-Varianten! Danke, Richard, dass Du uns regelmäßig mit (mindestens) zwei Rätseln pro Woche beschenkst. Ich schätze Dich und Deine Rätsel sehr!
on 25. November 2014, 12:23 by flaemmchen
Das 1. Jahr ist geschafft :-)) Vielen Dank Richard!