Kropkifleet on higher seas I
Place the given fleet in the grid so that ships do not touch each other, not even diagonally.
Ships may be rotated, but not mirrored.
Additional rules:
Each ship has a value according to the number of fields it is covering. This value does not play a role regarding the number of waves that can be seen from the outside of the grid.
Kropkicircles are only given for fields beeing adjacent to the ships. If a ship had a value 4, a white circle would be displayed for every neighbour field with a level 3 wave. The same rule does apply for the "Wave Level numbers" at the borders. If this ship had a common line with a field having a number 2 placed in it, a black circle would be displayed.
All possible Kropkipoints are given.
Place numbers between 1 and 7 in the grid, so that no number appears twice in any row or column.
The given numbers show the number of waves that can be seen from the border in the respective row or column. Small waves are hidden by higher waves. Ships have a wave level 0 and are regarded transparent and cannot be seen.
Solution code: The left diagonal from top to the bottom followed by the right one. Use the letter S for fields covered by a ship.
on 29. March 2018, 08:35 by ffricke
Lange vergessenes Rätsel wieder entdeckt und jetzt war das Lösen sehr schön. Ja, für den Einstieg braucht man zwei, drei Versuche, aber ab dann lässt es sich wunderbar logisch lösen.
on 30. December 2014, 11:50 by ibag
Schöne Rätselidee, aber der Einstieg erfordert ein paar Stunden T&E. Schade ...
on 2. November 2014, 13:21 by Luigi
Nochmal korrigiert...
on 2. November 2014, 13:20 by Luigi
Lösungscode Beschreibung angepasst.
on 1. November 2014, 08:12 by Alex
Toll konstruiert, alle Achtung! Da macht sogar das anfaengliche Platzieren Spass. Genau den Fall hatte ich allerdings uebersehen und durfte 2x probieren.
on 31. October 2014, 13:52 by pirx
Der Einstieg erforderte einiges an T+E, dann gings aber konsequent durch.
on 31. October 2014, 08:09 by Luigi
English Translation added.