Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Toroidales Tapasyu 1

(Published on 23. October 2014, 00:00 by usp)

Apply the rules of variable Tapasyus (see below).

But note that in this variant the grid is a torus, i. e. the left and right border of the grid as well as the upper and bottom border are connected.

Draw a closed loop into the grid. It must go from the center of one cell to the center of a horizontally or vertically adjacent cell, passing every cell at most one time.

The loop uses every cell with a circle. Circles may be blackened. In white circles the loop keeps straight on but bends in at least one of the adjacent cells (following the loop). In black circles the loop bends but keeps straight on in both adjacent cells.

The loop must not pass cells containing numbers. A number determines how many of the neighbouring cells are used by the loop. These cells must form a group not interrupted by empty cells, but need not to be a contiguous part of the loop. Distinct groups of loop cells around the same numeric cell must be partened by at least one empty cell.

Solution code: The number of black circles in the left and in the right 'T'; followed by the number of lines crossing the upper and the right margin of the grid (all in all 4 numbers)

Last changed on on 25. October 2014, 01:49

Solved by fridgrer, Zzzyxas, RALehrer, r45, saskia-daniela, zorant, Luigi, Thomster, rob, Katrin K, matter, sf2l, Alex, ibag, derwolf23, tuace, CHalb, pirx, ch1983, ManuH, adam001, PRW, pin7guin, AnnaTh, ... Babsi, lupo, moss, pwahs, Joe Average, Rollo, dm_litv, zuzanina, NikolaZ, nicole1303, jessica6, Matt, rimodech, NogBolog, misko, EKBM, FzFeather, johnyzzh, polar, Echatsum, DiMono, endagorion
Full list


on 26. June 2024, 18:43 by DiMono
I made a solving URL. To trigger answer check, draw lines with green, and when the line wraps from top to bottom or left to right, draw it going off the grid on both sides. https://tinyurl.com/yrtm76ny

on 3. May 2015, 10:10 by Rollo

on 24. October 2014, 22:12 by pin7guin
Streut ihr hier falsche oder richtige Gerüchte...? :pfeif:

on 24. October 2014, 20:04 by usp
Danke euch! Luigi, Nachwuchs ... äh, -schub ist schon unterwegs ;-)

on 24. October 2014, 11:10 by CHalb
Ich muss auch sagen: Das ist wieder von Idee bis Lösungscode sehr gelungen.

on 23. October 2014, 23:09 by ibag
Sehr schönes Rätsel!

on 23. October 2014, 18:07 by Luigi
Und.... ähm...... wann kommen die Schwestern 1-5, die knapp daneben Brüder und die Krypto Cousinen? Die komplette Familie ist herzlich willkommen!

on 23. October 2014, 10:58 by usp
Deutscher Lösungscode korrigiert :-)

on 23. October 2014, 10:14 by Luigi
@usp: Da ist die Rätselschmiede aber wieder schnell angesprungen... ;-)))
Vielen Dank!

on 23. October 2014, 07:44 by r45
Wunderschön konstruiert. Ein Genuss!!!

Rating:97 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:6 times

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