Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magische Pfade (3)

(Published on 8. September 2014, 09:29 by CHalb)

Enter the numbers from 1 to 7 exactly once in every row, column and bold outlined area. In each area exists a path that goes orthogonally through all cells. The path does not cross given parting lines. In each area the numbers have to appear on the path in one of the two possible directions in numerical order. If you can enter an area from the edge of the diagram through a thin line the paths starts at this point and you meet from this direction the 1 first.

Solution code: The diagonals from upper left to lower right and from upper right to lower left; - for empty cells.

Solved by Senor Dingdong, pin7guin, ibag, fridgrer, pirx, AnnaTh, Alex, PRW, rob, zuzanina, zorant, ch1983, Statistica, Luigi, sandmoppe, r45, SilBer, saskia-daniela, relzzup, tuace, adam001, ildiko, Mody, ... flaemmchen, matter, Carolin, RALehrer, Joe Average, dm_litv, marcmees, kaberg, ManuH, cornuto, Zzzyxas, sf2l, amitsowani, Uhu, rimodech, Dandelo, Realshaggy, SudokuExplorer, moss, Drawoon, starelev5
Full list


on 31. December 2020, 01:09 by SudokuExplorer
Here's a penpa+ link: https://git.io/JLQsb

@CHalb Thanks for the wonderful series!

on 6. November 2015, 14:45 by marcmees
very nice series. thanks a lot.

on 10. November 2014, 10:53 by flaemmchen
"Viele Neue" später kann ich sagen: tolles Rätsel, was mich zwischenzeitlich verzweifeln liess ...
... im Nachhinein weisss ich gar nicht mehr warum ;-))

on 3. November 2014, 13:57 by flaemmchen
Danke, das habe ich mir fast gedacht. Also auf ein Neues ;-)

on 3. November 2014, 13:54 by CHalb
In der Tat, sowas ist nicht erlaubt. flaemmchen, in deiner Teillösung führt nicht ein Pfad durch alle Felder des Gebiets. Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, liegt das Feld links unten nicht auf dem Pfad.

on 3. November 2014, 13:11 by sandmoppe
@flaemmchen:Ich habe zwar meine Lösung nicht mehr, bin mir aber sicher dass dies nicht der Fall war.

on 27. October 2014, 11:08 by uvo
Beeindruckend, daß das schon eindeutig wird!

on 13. October 2014, 22:24 by kiwijam
Surprisingly clever :)

Last changed on 27. October 2014, 12:09

on 11. September 2014, 08:53 by Luigi
Richtig schön knackig

on 10. September 2014, 16:50 by Statistica
Schöne (neue) Idee und tolle Umsetzung!

on 9. September 2014, 21:16 by RALehrer
Ah - the empty cells must be part of the path! Thanks!

on 9. September 2014, 07:11 by ibag
@RALehrer: As usual for magic labyrinths you have empty cells on the path, too.

Last changed on 9. September 2014, 04:20

on 9. September 2014, 04:19 by RALehrer
How can it go through every cell when there are 9 cells but 7 numbers? Doesn't it have to skip 2 cells? Or did I get the rules wrong?

on 8. September 2014, 21:49 by Alex
sehr clever gemacht!

Last changed on 8. September 2014, 19:03

on 8. September 2014, 18:50 by Senor Dingdong
Check your paths. Do they enter every cell?

on 8. September 2014, 13:21 by ibag
Cool gemacht!

on 8. September 2014, 11:39 by pin7guin
Hat mir gut gefallen, wie letztlich alle Ziffern und alle Wege eindeutig werden.

Rating:95 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:6 times

Standard puzzle Path puzzle

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