Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 20. August 2014, 00:00 by usp)

Place exactly one tetromino in each area such that all tetrominoes are connected. There is no 2x2-square completely occupied by tetrominoes. Identical tetrominoes must not share an edge (rotated or mirrored tetrominoes are identical).

Solution code: Row 6 and column 6: The letter (L, I, T or S) of each tetromino in this row/column. Only one letter for each tetromino even if several cells in this row/column belong to the same tetromino.

Last changed on on 31. May 2017, 16:57

Solved by fridgrer, saskia-daniela, r45, RALehrer, Krokofant, Zzzyxas, Senor Dingdong, Alex, zuzanina, pirx, adam001, AnnaTh, ffricke, lutzreimer, Babsi, cornuto, Rollo, RobertBe, Luigi, CHalb, PRW, zorant, ... Lohnecke, Julianl, amitsowani, Lucx, skywalker, Krokant, cdwg2000, Realshaggy, Puzzle_Maestro, athin, Laje6, Nylimb, misko, PaulaW, CJK, Raistlen, Dugong, bigger, Greg, Tajgero, JustinTucker
Full list


on 31. May 2017, 16:57 by usp
Bilder wieder sichtbar gemacht

on 6. September 2014, 22:12 by SilBer
...okay, und der neue Radiergummi ist auch super. ;-)

on 21. August 2014, 11:18 by ibag
Sehr schön! ;-)

on 20. August 2014, 09:26 by CHalb
Naja, ich sehe diese Nummern nicht als Nummerierung.

on 20. August 2014, 00:03 by pin7guin
Wo steckt denn Nr. 3? Habe ich was verpasst?

Rating:80 %
Solved:90 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Placement puzzle

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