Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtelkalender 2014 - Juli

(Published on 1. July 2014, 00:00 by ibag)

Summer time - time for travelling! In this year a Tapa (Instructions) has found the perfect holiday destination for itself, namely an island archipelago called Nurikabe (Instructions), fitting exactly to the Tapa: The white fields of the Tapa are identical with those of the Nurikabe, and every island contains exactly one Nurikabe clue. Therefore nothing prevents recreation!

The archipelago occupied by the Tapa looks like this:

Solution code: The length of the longest black sequence per row, "0" for rows without black cells.

Last changed on on 26. May 2017, 17:38

Solved by pokerke, rob, kiwijam, Joo M.Y, Zzzyxas, fridgrer, RALehrer, r45, saskia-daniela, Statistica, pirx, Alex, adam001, AnnaTh, cornuto, SilBer, usp, Luigi, Babsi, flaemmchen, sandmoppe, pin7guin, matter, ... ManuH, Thomster, Joe Average, EKBM, Krokofant, ffricke, dm_litv, mango, Resu, rimodech, Matt, Uhu, ildiko, Toastbrot, ChristJan, Greg, misko, FzFeather, polar, KNT, wooferzfg, Jakhob, Jesper
Full list


on 7. April 2023, 21:19 by wooferzfg
Very nice flow, thank you

on 8. July 2014, 14:52 by Zzzyxas
@zorant: I think the 7 in R2C4 (or the 6 in R3C2) is neither a tapa nor a nurikabe clue in your solution. If that isn't your mistake, maybe you could write your whole solution.

on 8. July 2014, 13:00 by ibag
@zorant: "... and every island contains exactly one Nurikabe clue."

on 8. July 2014, 12:56 by zorant
If is the grid are additional islands unknown quantities that do not give clue?

on 7. July 2014, 11:57 by ibag
CHalb: In Deinem frueheren Kommentar hattest Du recht. Das Either stimmt nicht unbedingt, jedenfalls ist das keine der Regeln.

on 5. July 2014, 13:03 by tuace
Auch mal wieder spitze! ;) Ich liebe ja solche Rätsel, bei denen man die Bedeutung jeder einzelnen Hinweiszahl erst noch herausfinden muss...

on 3. July 2014, 20:41 by CHalb
Tolle Idee und mit den vielen Zahlenpaaren echt interessant.

But I think, in kiwijams explanation the "either" is not correct.

on 2. July 2014, 13:21 by pin7guin
@mango: Nein: "Die Weißfelder des Tapas stimmen mit denen der Inseln genau überein, und die Tapa-Zahlen überdecken keine der Inselzahlen."

on 2. July 2014, 11:53 by pin7guin
@Statistica: Daran bin ich auch zuerst gescheitert... ;-)

on 1. July 2014, 19:07 by SilBer
Wunderschön, wie fast an einigen Stellen fast bis zum Schluss noch zwei Möglichkeiten sind, und sich dann alles perfekt auflöst...

on 1. July 2014, 12:39 by Alex
tolle kreative Idee!

on 1. July 2014, 08:31 by r45
Seeeehr schööön!

on 1. July 2014, 01:18 by kiwijam
Great idea Gabi! Every clue cell is either a Tapa clue or a Nurikabe clue.

Rating:98 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:5 times

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