Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

World Cup ABC-tje "The FIFA-way"

(Published on 17. June 2014, 23:25 by Eisbär)

Just a bit of puzzle-fun created for all you football-fans in the world! This puzzle is always solvable, you don't need to have any knowledge of English, German or another specific language.

In the following ABC-tje 22 of the 26 letters in the alphabet do appear. These 22 letters all have a different value from 1-22. The numbers behind the flags are the sum of all individual values of the letters belonging to that flag. A question mark says the total value is unknown.

Solution code: The total value of "RIO DE JANEIRO", followed by the total value of "CURITIBA"

Last changed on on 19. June 2014, 09:18

Solved by fridgrer, Richard, r45, zuzanina, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, Luigi, Zzzyxas, ch1983, pokerke, moss, joyal, rimodech, Rollo, ibag, mango, zorant, tuace, flaemmchen, Alex, Rollie, sternchen, CHalb, Mathi, ... Babsi, derwolf23, StefanSch, Mars, uvo, ManuH, RoliH, ffricke, Joo M.Y, ildiko, Joe Average, zhergan, RobertBe, sf2l, dm_litv, jirk, Matt, Julianl, Krokant, amitsowani, Maria90, jessica6, Lara Croft
Full list


Last changed on 20. June 2014, 09:52

on 20. June 2014, 00:11 by ibag
I think you missunderstood me: According to Richard I voted against the mistery icon. In my opinion the "Wissen" icon is sufficient.

@ ibag: My apologies, I indeed misunderstood you! But in the end I think it doesn't do any damage if both icons are mentioned :-))) Hope you liked this ABC-tje!

on 19. June 2014, 18:47 by sternchen
Mir hat das Rätsel sehr gut gefallen... und ich hatte auch nur die ursprüngliche Version ausgedruckt und fand alles gut verständlich! Danke für das schöne Rätsel, das mir grade die erste Halbzeit zwischen Kolumbien und Elfenbeinküste versüßt hat :-)

on 19. June 2014, 09:34 by Richard
I think the Mystery icon is not necessary. The way the instructions are written + the 'wissen'-label are enough to realise how to get started in this puzzle.

Last changed on 19. June 2014, 09:25

on 19. June 2014, 09:18 by Eisbär
Mystery-Label hinzugefügt, hatte ich gar übersehen. Danke Rollo und Gabi!

on 19. June 2014, 08:01 by ibag
Da stand ich gut auf dem Schlauch. ;-) Mystery-Icon wäre fast übertrieben, oder?

Last changed on 19. June 2014, 02:07

on 19. June 2014, 00:50 by Rollo
Fehlt hier das Mystery-Icon?
Das Rätsel ist schön, die Beschreibung gefällt mir nicht.

on 18. June 2014, 15:10 by AnnaTh
Das erste Rätsel, das auch meinem Sohn (ein Fußballfan!!!) Spaß gemacht hat :-)))

on 18. June 2014, 13:14 by Eisbär
Anleitung leicht geändert

Last changed on 18. June 2014, 13:18

on 18. June 2014, 12:25 by flaemmchen
Ich verstehe die Aufgabe nicht :-(
Was sind denn die "individueller Zahlenwerte des Buchstabens gehörend zu diese Flagge" ???

@ flaemmchen: Hab' es geändert, danke! Ich hoffe es ist klar jetzt?

on 18. June 2014, 07:01 by Richard
Thank you very much for this very original ABC'tje. I really enjoyed it a lot!

Rating:81 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:6 times

Special knowledge Mystery puzzle

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