Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

May Twin Month (1) - Twin Killer Sudoku

(Published on 2. May 2014, 12:00 by Richard)

Once more it has been too long ago since I published my last normal Twin Killer. So I start my May Twin Month with a tough but logical solvable puzzle of this type.

Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block. The small numbers in the dotted outlined areas are the sum of the digits in that area. Within a dotted outlined area all digits must be different. Both grids have the same solution.

Solution code: Row 9, followed by column 8.

Last changed on -

Solved by Ute2, flaemmchen, r45, deu, zorant, Luigi, ch1983, pin7guin, adam001, silesia, Statistica, tuace, pirx, Rollo, saskia-daniela, kishy72, Nothere, Zzzyxas, Alex, sandmoppe, ildiko, ibag, pokerke, ... Marian, HugoSimon, rimodech, Carolin, Julianl, verflixt, CSR94, Matt, skywalker, moss, cdwg2000, kopfball, misko, EKBM, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Crul, geronimo92, Krokant, underdude, Echatsum
Full list


on 16. November 2023, 20:45 by underdude
For solving as a Pairdoku with a friend:



on 26. April 2022, 11:22 by Nick Smirnov

on 9. August 2014, 15:51 by Saskia
Toll gemacht! Danke :)

on 20. May 2014, 04:35 by EMREdersin
Großes Rätsel. DANK

on 5. May 2014, 18:38 by AnnaTh
I'm already looking forward to the next one!

on 5. May 2014, 18:13 by cornuto
Klasse. Das hat mir richtig gut gefallen.

on 2. May 2014, 16:00 by silesia
das war mal nett, das richtige für Freitagnachmittag :grins:

on 2. May 2014, 15:35 by pin7guin
Das hat viel Spaß gemacht! :-)

on 2. May 2014, 14:16 by flaemmchen
Toll wie sich alles logisch auflöst!

Rating:95 %
Solved:86 times
Observed:17 times

Puzzle variant Multi-grid puzzle

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