Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

March Pentomino Month (4) - PenTotal

(Published on 28. March 2014, 12:00 by Richard)

Place the 12 pentominos in the grid, so that they don't touch each other, not even diagonally. The pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored. The numbers in the grid tell how many cells of the row and the column that the number is in are part of a pentomino. Pentominos may not be placed on cells with numbers.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Example (with only Pentominos I-L-N-P-X):



Solution code: Row 3, followed by row 10. For every cell the letter of the pentomino and '-' for an empty cell.

Last changed on on 9. October 2022, 08:50

Solved by ch1983, Luigi, r45, matter, CHalb, sloffie, Alex, ibag, pirx, pokerke, fridgrer, pin7guin, joyal, AnnaTh, PRW, lupo, zuzanina, sandmoppe, tuace, zorant, ildiko, pwahs, usp, derwolf23, saskia-daniela, ... ManuH, uvo, Babsi, rimodech, Joe Average, EKBM, sf2l, RALehrer, deu, ffricke, dm_litv, cornuto, rob, moss, Uhu, Matt, misko, Realshaggy, Nick Smirnov, Mark Sweep, HaSe, Eisbär, Nensche777, Echatsum
Full list


on 7. January 2024, 23:30 by Eisbär
Solved almost ten years after publishing... :-P

on 9. October 2022, 08:50 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 13. September 2022, 03:51 by Nick Smirnov

on 30. March 2014, 00:20 by pin7guin
Spannend, wie sich alles logisch entwickelt.

on 29. March 2014, 07:09 by Alex
very nice!

on 28. March 2014, 19:55 by Richard
Uploaded a new image for the example. The wrong '5' R7C8 was based on an old example puzzle. I hope the instructions were clear, also with this minor error.
Thanks Arvid for notification!

on 28. March 2014, 18:19 by r45
Sehr schöne Pentominovariante. :))
Den Einstieg fand ich persönlich nicht so leicht, deshalb habe ich mal 3 Sterne vergeben. Wenn man ihn einmal hat, geht es zügig durch.

on 28. March 2014, 13:21 by Eisbär
Dear puzzlers,

There is a slight error in the example... please note the most left of the three "5"-digits must be a 4...

(Richard is not able to change it this afternoon, he will upload a new image as soon as possible. I just sent him an email about this)

Rating:93 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Pentominoes

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