Extra Regions Sudoku
Solve online in F-Puzzles (thanks Nick Smirnov!)
Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column, 3x3-block and each colored extra region.
In this puzzle a very interesting variation to the Law of Leftovers can be applied!
Solution code: Row 2, followed by column 8.
on 22. November 2023, 04:39 by cascadeshiker
I found this to be a consistently hard, but very satisfying solve. Thanks for the puzzle. Now I'll see if I can understand all the SET theory in the comments.
on 24. May 2023, 15:13 by csearles
As someone who solved quite a decent amount of jigsaw puzzles already but still never understood how the law of leftover really works, this was still quite a comfortable solve, the puzzle made it easy to set up contradictions and the regions are easy on the eyes.
on 23. November 2021, 19:41 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx Nick!
on 14. November 2020, 13:47 by Nick Smirnov
f-puzzle link (danshep's link is not accurate):
on 6. October 2020, 16:34 by SudokuExplorer
on 24. September 2020, 12:21 by danshep
on 17. May 2016, 07:46 by ohm0123
Thank you. Richard. Hard. But funny.
on 18. March 2014, 11:39 by TashaYar
Lieber Richard, vielen Dank! Wieder einmal ein sehr schönes Rätsel. Aber ich wüsste sehr gerne, was es mit der Variante des "Law of Leftovers" auf sich hat (vor allem da ich mich mit irregulären Gebieten immer sehr schwer tue.)
on 18. March 2014, 09:37 by pin7guin
Lieber Richard, vielen Dank für dieses und Deine anderen Rätsel. Ich freue mich jedes Mal darauf!
on 18. March 2014, 08:56 by r45
Hat lange gedauert, bis der Groschen bei mir gefallen ist. Aber es lohnt sich, es ist eine tolle Konstruktion.