Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Variables Tapasyu 2223

(Published on 12. March 2014, 22:23 by usp)

Draw a closed loop into the grid. It must go from the center of one cell to the center of a horizontally or vertically adjacent cell, passing every cell at most one time.

The loop uses every cell with a circle. Circles may be blackened. In white circles the loop keeps straight on but bends in at least one of the adjacent cells (following the loop). In black circles the loop bends but keeps straight on in both adjacent cells.

The loop must not pass cells containing numbers. A number determines how many of the neighbouring cells are used by the loop. These cells must form a group not interrupted by empty cells, but need not to be a contiguous part of the loop. Distinct groups of loop cells around the same numeric cell must be partened by at least one empty cell.

Solution code: The number of black circles in the solution, then for each row from top to bottom the lenght of the longest horizontally line

Last changed on on 25. October 2014, 01:54

Solved by pwahs, deu, Joo M.Y, saskia-daniela, Statistica, Zzzyxas, Luigi, zuzanina, rimodech, adam001, Alex, ch1983, pokerke, cornuto, zorant, moss, PRW, Ute2, pin7guin, derwolf23, ibag, dm_litv, AnnaTh, ... NikolaZ, Toastbrot, Matt, Dandelo, jessica6, Julianl, ildiko, Krokant, amitsowani, skywalker, cdwg2000, misko, Max Euwe, Mark Sweep, BenceJoful, hibye1217, Echatsum, helle, uvo, DiMono, puzzler05
Full list


on 13. March 2014, 12:25 by Luigi
2358.... bitte keine schlafenden Hunde wecken...

on 13. March 2014, 12:17 by Zzzyxas
Sehr schön, ich wünsche euch schonmal viel Spaß beim Erstellen des 2358. Rätsels. :)

Last changed on 13. March 2014, 21:12

on 13. March 2014, 10:38 by usp
Danke :)
Es hat uns auch Spaß gemacht, obwohl (oder weil?) wir ja unter Zeitdruck Rätsel erstellt haben. (Wir mussten ja fertig werden, ehe jemand anderes das 2222. Rätsel einstellt ...)
Die Uhrzeit war dann eigentlich Zufall. :D

on 13. March 2014, 07:50 by sandmoppe
Schöne Idee mit den beiden Rätseln. Und bei diesem stimmt ja sogar die Uhrzeit ;-)).

Rating:94 %
Solved:76 times
Observed:8 times

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