Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtelkalender 2014 - April

(Published on 1. April 2014, 00:00 by April)

Wiretapping scandal in Fulda!

The wiretapping affair has now reached the normally tranquil world of puzzles. During the puzzle weekend in Fulda two of our puzzle authors were obviously overheard while they exchanged ideas about a new puzzle. This has become evident now by the following diagram, which has been passed into the hands of a board member of the Logic Masters Deutschland e.V. over unknown channels.

It shows a double puzzle consisting of two Japanese crypto sums, the left one on magnets, the right one on antimagnets. Authorized examples of these types of puzzles can be found at the puzzle portal of the club mentioned above, e.g. here and here. In addition to the other rules both the meaning of each of the crypto letters as well as the position of each magnetic disk are different in the two puzzles.

The board member C. H. from H., whose full name will not be revealed by the editor in order to protect him from getting into the focus of the secret services, appears absolutely terrified by the incident, as well:

"It's impossible to anticipate the consequences of this breach of secrecy. Perhaps the solutions of the international Grand Prix puzzles will be published in advance! It is absolutely unsure whether international competitions may take place this year at all. It has to be avoided that anybody gains competitive advantages in order to get one of the highly endowed and coveted places at the finals in London. Just imagine what else could be revealed in the near future! "

The two affected authors are still in shock and aren't able to give any statements about the incidents yet.

Solution code: For the left diagram for every row the number of horizontal plates (top to bottom). For the right diagram row 5, 'S' for blackened fields.

Last changed on -

Solved by fridgrer, RALehrer, zuzanina, ibag, Babsi, ch1983, r45, pin7guin, Luigi, Alex, AnnaTh, flaemmchen, Statistica, pirx, sandmoppe, Zzzyxas, tuace, HaSe, CHalb, BFaw, Mody, matter, rimodech, zorant, cornuto, PRW, ffricke, kiwijam, Joe Average, Danielle, dm_litv, Krokofant, ManuH, polar, KNT, Agent
Full list


on 23. May 2024, 23:31 by Agent
Extremely enjoyable puzzle! A sequence of beautiful deductions as the solution unfolds.

on 9. August 2015, 22:14 by Danielle
Genau das richtige für einen Rätselstammtisch. Wir haben links angefangen, bis es klick machte, daß man sie wohl nicht getrennt lösen kann. Dann der Schock - Widerspruch rechts. Der beschränkte sich zum Glück auf rechts, so daß wir mit dem halben linken von vorher bis zum Ende kamen und nur rechts neu beginnen mussten.

on 24. April 2014, 18:50 by cornuto
Absolute Spitzenklasse.

Last changed on 9. April 2014, 19:52

on 9. April 2014, 19:44 by CHalb
iCH habe inzwischen einen anonymen Hinweis zugespielt bekommen: Es könnte sein, dass der IGELCLAN hinter diesem Ideenklau steckt.
Das ist für mich eines der unglaublichst gut konstruierten Rätsel im Portal.
Bei meinem ersten Löseversuch lag ich allerdings mit gründlich daneben eben so. Das kommt davon, wenn man Regeln nicht komplett ausdruckt.

on 9. April 2014, 19:37 by HaSe
Ganz großes Kino.
Die Rätsel möchte ich gerne sehen, die derjenige, der hier die 100 verweigert hat, sehr schön findet.

on 5. April 2014, 14:19 by Statistica
Ganz klasse, auch die 'LENINAERA' :-)

on 4. April 2014, 10:09 by AnnaTh
Sehr, sehr toll!

on 3. April 2014, 21:32 by Alex
ein super Aprilwichtel :D

Last changed on 3. April 2014, 17:07

on 3. April 2014, 17:06 by Babsi
Hello Zorant,

N in the right puzzle is not the number you have ...

on 3. April 2014, 12:21 by pin7guin
Im zweiten Anlauf glatt durchgekommen.
Vielen Dank an alle Aprils ;-) für dieses wundervolle Rätsel!

on 3. April 2014, 07:10 by r45
Schlimm genug, belauscht zu werden. :( Wenn daraus aber ein Rätsel entsteht, kann ich damit leben. :))

on 2. April 2014, 07:25 by ibag
Unter Schock .... pfffffft! Vielleicht ist der andere Autor so zart besaitet. ;-) Also ich kann mich schon äußern: Echte Sauerei, das! ;-)

on 1. April 2014, 11:47 by RALehrer

on 1. April 2014, 09:50 by CHalb
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Rating:98 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:10 times

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