Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yin/Yang - Teil 2

(Published on 3. March 2014, 20:33 by aristarchos)

  • In every square has to be one white or one black circle.
  • All white circles have to be connected horizontally or vertically. The same holds for the black circles.
  • A 2x2 square with four cirles of the same color is not allowed.

Solution code: row 6 and column 6 (S for black and W for white)

Last changed on on 4. March 2014, 00:03

Solved by lupo, matter, relzzup, Ute2, moss, saskia-daniela, zorant, Luigi, pokerke, pirx, adam001, ibag, usp, pwahs, Joo M.Y, deu, zuzanina, CHalb, Alex, RALehrer, derwolf23, Rollo, Zzzyxas, tuace, ... zhergan, Oskama, jirk, ManuH, Toastbrot, jessica6, Saskia, Nothere, JonaS2010, rcg, bob, EKBM, skywalker, NikolaZ, Dandelo, cdwg2000, wuzzle, Jesper, bernhard, athin, Raistlen, Dugong, Maxst0f, filz
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on 18. October 2023, 10:26 by filz
penpa: https://tinyurl.com/ylwrareo

Last changed on 8. March 2014, 14:20

on 8. March 2014, 14:19 by Eisbär
I agree... maybe it's one star if you discover "the secret" about this but I guess I was lucky to find the correct answer :-D

on 6. March 2014, 14:35 by StefanSch
Schwierigkeit = 1 Stern?
Da scheint mir irgendeine Lösungsidee zu fehlen.

on 4. March 2014, 00:03 by aristarchos
Habe den Namen des Rätsels korrigiert. Kannte es unter dem anscheinend nicht so geläufigen Namen "Schwarz und Weiß".

Rating:73 %
Solved:97 times
Observed:4 times

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