Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanische Inseln, Teil 1

(Published on 25. February 2014, 17:08 by pirx)

Blacken some fields in the diagram and put digits from 1 to 9 into the other fields, so that no number appears more than once in every row or column. The numbers on the left side and above the diagram give the sum of connected digits (without blackened fields in between) in the correct order. Single digits are also given.
Some of the given numbers outside the grid are replaced by question marks; one question mark represents a one-digit number, two question marks a two-digit number. For some rows and columns the hints are missing at all.

Horizontally or vertically connected digits form islands. The largest of the digits in an island indicates its size. Digits may repeat in an island. Two islands may only touch diagonally.
The blackened cells (water) must be orthogonally connected with each other, but no 2×2 group of cells can be entirely shaded black.

Solution code: Row 11 and column 6, "S" for blackened fields.

Solved by Alex, ibag, tuace, ch1983, pin7guin, deu, r45, CHalb, Luigi, Babsi, sandmoppe, zuzanina, matter, Mody, adam001, rubbeng, flaemmchen, Thomster, cornuto, Rollo, AnnaTh, Zzzyxas, saskia-daniela, HaSe, ... KlausRG, akodi, Resu, Jochen, pandiani42, Matt, rimodech, HugoSimon, jirk, Nothere, Julianl, amitsowani, misko, Krokant, FzFeather, polar, Jesper, Dotty, KNT, Niverio, cdwg2000, Agent, tuturitu
Full list


on 16. February 2024, 06:09 by Agent
Sehr schön und einfach, danke!

on 2. December 2022, 17:40 by KNT

on 13. June 2015, 14:53 by StefanSch
Ein tolles Rätsel. Ich bin begeistert, wie gut die unterschiedlichen Rätseltypen miteinander harmonieren.

on 2. July 2014, 04:37 by kiwijam
Great idea!

on 22. March 2014, 22:50 by Danielle
Sehr schön, in Kombination sind sogar Inseln lösbar. ;-) Und ich durfte sogar zweimal lösen, beim ersten Versuch ging es ganz am Ende plötzlich nicht auf...

on 17. March 2014, 19:40 by SilBer
Ein wunderschönes Rätsel!!

on 2. March 2014, 00:08 by Krokofant
Unglaublich toll!! Bin begeistert :D Ich freue mich schon auf Teil2!

on 27. February 2014, 21:25 by HaSe
Ein wirktlich toller Rätseltyp. Das hat mal wieder so richtig Spaß gemacht

on 27. February 2014, 15:15 by Luigi
@cornuto: Du hast ja wenigstens noch den Teil 2 vor Dir....
Ich kann mir wieder einmal nichts einteilen...

on 27. February 2014, 13:25 by cornuto
Hierfür müsste eigentlich ein "sehr gut + " zur Verfügung stehen. Wahnsinnig tolle Variante.

on 26. February 2014, 19:17 by flaemmchen
Ganz toll!!!

on 26. February 2014, 18:16 by Mody
Das Rätsel ist wirklich großartig, ich konnte kaum aufhören :)

on 26. February 2014, 09:39 by CHalb
Super gemacht! Idee und Rätsel finde ich hervorragend.

on 25. February 2014, 23:06 by pin7guin
Klasse neue Variante!

on 25. February 2014, 19:20 by ibag
Wahnsinnig toll gemacht!!!

on 25. February 2014, 19:06 by Alex
geniales Raetsel!

Rating:98 %
Solved:90 times
Observed:8 times

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