Japanische Inseln, Teil 2
(Published on 25. February 2014, 18:30 by pirx)
Blacken some fields in the diagram and put digits from 1 to 9 into the other fields, so that no number appears more than once in every row or column. The numbers on the left side and above the diagram give the sum of connected digits (without blackened fields in between) in the correct order. Single digits are also given.
Some of the given numbers outside the grid are replaced by question marks; one question mark represents a one-digit number, two question marks a two-digit number. For some rows and columns the hints are missing at all.
Horizontally or vertically connected digits form islands. The largest of the digits in an island indicates its size. Digits may repeat in an island. Two islands may only touch diagonally.
The blackened cells (water) must be orthogonally connected with each other, but no 2×2 group of cells can be entirely shaded black.
Solution code: Row 9 and column 6, "S" for blackened fields.
Last changed on -
Solved by Alex, ibag, ch1983, matter, adam001, Luigi, zuzanina, flaemmchen, Statistica, cornuto, AnnaTh, Thomster, Mody, tuace, saskia-daniela, rubbeng, zorant, relzzup, sandmoppe, pin7guin, lupo, SilBer, rob, ... derwolf23, pokerke, dm_litv, marcmees, KlausRG, pandiani42, moss, rimodech, Uhu, verflixt, jirk, amitsowani, Thomas Meier, misko, Krokant, ChristJan, polar, Jesper, CaGr, KNT, Agent, tuturitu
on 17. November 2020, 19:50 by Krokant
So eine tolle Serie. Besonders der Schluss hat mir bei diesem besonders gefallen.
Mal sehen, ob es für die beiden großen Schwestern auch noch reicht. :)
on 16. December 2015, 15:09 by marcmees
on 27. April 2014, 12:49 by r45
Ganz klar eine ibag-Wertung, ein Rätsel der Extra-Klasse.
on 19. March 2014, 13:44 by SilBer
on 14. March 2014, 08:30 by pin7guin
Ganz schön herausfordernd! Hat (lange...) Spaß gemacht!
on 2. March 2014, 16:01 by tuace
So spaßig das erste Rätsel ist, so spannend ist das zweite. Idee, Umsetzung, Logik; alles vom Feinsten :)
Last changed on 28. February 2014, 11:16on 28. February 2014, 10:56 by Statistica
Man kann das Rätsel nicht genug loben. Großer Logikspaß!!!
on 26. February 2014, 14:36 by ibag
Allein schon wie die letzten Zahlen eindeutig werden ist ein echter Krimi. Super!!!
on 26. February 2014, 08:37 by Alex
Spitzenklasse! Einfach genial wie sich hier alles logisch Schrittchen fuer Schrittchen auftut.