Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wichtel 2013 (2): Besuch auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

(Published on 11. February 2014, 10:23 by wichtel)

"Have you been to the Nuremberg Christmas market this year?" asks Hans his wife Greta during their breakfast. "Yes, just yesterday. Very nice as always! And with funny paths. Not easy to keep track of it. I like it." "What do you mean?" asks Hans getting curious. "Well, the booths have funny shapes and no shape is like any other and all this seems so irregular." "I don't get it", says Hans, "can you please explain more?".

"Look", says Greta, takes a checkered piece of paper and starts drawing. "The Christmas market is on this plaza," she explains, "and each booth consists of horizontally or vertically adjacent parts, that have the size of one field." "OK so far", says Hans. "Please do not interrupt me," warns his wife, "I'm not finished. As I said: By this assembling the booths all have different shapes." Hans looks at her questioning. "And before you ask" (Greta knows the deep interest of her husband into those strange logical puzzles), "no, even not, if they are rotated or mirrored, but these operation you normally do not apply to Christmas markets anyway." That's plausible to Hans. "So what more?"

"Well, the booths don't touch each other directly, but sometimes diagonally. From every point of the plaza, where no booth stands, you might walk to any other point without leaving the plaza." "You want to say, the booths don't divide the plaza into two or more areas!" "Or this way, if you like "(Hans imagines to hear a slightly ironic undertone.) "And what's about the numbers outside?" "Look: If you write in every part of the booths the number of parts, that are directly adjacent (thus belonging to the same booth), the numbers outside give the sums of the blocks in a row or column in the right order." "Ah, like in Japanese sums!" says Hans. "Exactly", agrees Greta, who is quite at home in the topic as well. "And why are there some x among the numbers?" asks Hans. "That are sums greater than four; at a certain point I just didn't want to count any more" explains Greta and gets herself one more coffee.

Hans examines the paper and tries to reconstruct the booths on the market...

Solution code: The 13th row and the 13th column. 'S' for a part of a booth, else 'X' (30 characters)

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Solved by Luigi, ch1983, sandmoppe, r45, zuzanina, zorant, Thomster, ibag, CHalb, Alex, pokerke, AnnaTh, matter, pirx, Mody, HaSe, Statistica, relzzup, tuace, Babsi, lupo, fridgrer, pin7guin, dm_litv, Joe Average, ildiko, moss, rimodech, ffricke, en-passant, Myxo, CaGr
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on 12. October 2023, 00:45 by Myxo
Wow, das war schwierig!

on 17. November 2015, 18:10 by pin7guin
Das haben wir gestern beim Stammtisch getüftelt. :-)

on 3. March 2014, 19:02 by tuace
Sehr interessant, und hat viel Spaß gemacht!

on 16. February 2014, 14:10 by Mody
Toller Wichtel :)

on 15. February 2014, 07:23 by AnnaTh
Da kann es gleich noch mal Weihnachten werden - obwohl ich den Frühling gar nicht mehr abwarten kann :-) Superschön!

on 13. February 2014, 23:01 by pokerke
Very nice concept, requires a completely different way of thinking. Thank you!

on 12. February 2014, 22:31 by Alex
hat sehr viel Spass gemacht

on 12. February 2014, 21:28 by CHalb
Mir war ja irgendwie gleich klar, dass das ein tolles Rätsel ist. Aber ich war schon lange nicht mehr während des Lösens so gespannt, wie es wohl weitergeht und ob ich keinen Fehler gemacht habe. Das hat echt Spaß gemacht.

Und dann noch "... aber das macht man mit Weihnachtsmarktständen auch eigentlich nicht." Herrlich!

on 12. February 2014, 19:53 by ibag
Bei uns sehen die Stände anders aus, aber man freut sich ja immer, wenn man was über fremde Sitten lernt. Ein wirklich tolles Wichtelrätsel!

on 12. February 2014, 09:57 by r45
Ich hätte wetten können, dass ich diese Aufteilung hier irgendwo in der Nähe schon mal gesehen habe. Aber vermutlich irre ich mich. Vielen, vielen Dank für dieses tolle Rätsel.;-)

on 11. February 2014, 12:53 by wichtel
Zur Regelklärung: In den einzelnen Häuschen jedes Standes können unterschiedliche Zahlen stehen. Bestünde ein Stand
z. B. aus drei in einer Zeile nebeneinanderliegenden Häuschen, müsste man in die Kästchen 1-2-1 eintragen. Am Rande stünde dann eine 4 (Zeile). In den Spalten dann entsprechend eine 1, eine 2 und eine 1.

Rating:95 %
Solved:32 times
Observed:5 times


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