Replace the letters by digits 0-9. Equal letters mean equal digits, different letters mean different digits.
The resulting clues for the Doppelblock-puzzle (Anleitung) are "knapp daneben", i.e. too small or too large by 1.
Solution code: The diagonals, first from top left to bottom right, then from top right to bottom left. "S" for blackened fields.
on 22. June 2023, 08:27 by losingreallybadly
Penpa+ link:
on 12. July 2014, 21:50 by ibag
Typo fixed.
on 5. February 2014, 03:30 by kiwijam
Nice solution code :)
on 2. February 2014, 21:24 by ibag
There are 6 of them.
on 2. February 2014, 21:15 by RALehrer
Very nice series! Do you have more planned?
Edit: 4 and 5 have now arrived...