Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tetro-Yajilin (1)

(Published on 14. January 2014, 20:00 by usp)

Place the five tetrominos given in the left grid into the right grid. Tetrominos may be rotated and reflected. For each arrow, the number determines the number of cells with a tetromino the arrow points at. Tetrominos must not touch, not even diagonally.

Afterwards, draw a closed loop into the grid leading from the center of a cell to the center of a vertically or horizontally adjacent cell. The loop passes every empty cell exactly one time. Empty cells are cells occupied by neither a tetromino nor a number.

Solution code: For every row from top to bottom the number of cells in which the loop bends.

Last changed on on 14. January 2014, 22:02

Solved by Ute2, Richard, ch1983, Zzzyxas, rob, pin7guin, joyal, PRW, tuace, lupo, deu, Joo M.Y, saskia-daniela, Semax, r45, Alex, BFaw, ibag, zorant, AnnaTh, Rollie, Saskia, lutzreimer, CHalb, pokerke, ManuH, ... Krokofant, rimodech, dm_litv, moss, Fiffi, Matt, Toastbrot, jessica6, jirk, darksida, JonaS2010, Nothere, amitsowani, skywalker, NikolaZ, Dandelo, misko, SudokuExplorer, Raistlen, Dugong, KNT, Greg
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on 14. January 2014, 22:02 by usp
Minor corrections in the instructions

on 14. January 2014, 21:03 by Richard
Nice one!

Rating:86 %
Solved:86 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle combination Path puzzle Placement puzzle Tetrominoes

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