Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Variants Series (000) - Classic Sudoku

(Published on 3. December 2013, 12:00 by Richard)

For a long time I am surprised about the vast number of Sudoku variants that is invented over the years. I have written a lot of different variants too, for championships, the puzzle portal and online tests, but after all those years there are still a lot of variants of which I didn’t write a puzzle myself.
So today is the start of a new project. I will publish a different Sudoku variant every week at Tuesday noon and I will see how long it takes before I am running out of ideas. For this purpose a variant has only one single constraint; combining two variants is not a new variant for this series. Also, I do not distinguish between a variant where ‘all possible dots are given’ and the same variant where ‘not all possible dots are given’ in case of a variant with a constraint on neighbouring cells. Mostly I will choose the variant where ‘all possible dots are given’.

Classic Sudoku
For the preparation of my list of variants, I looked a lot in the portal. I noticed that among the 2.100 puzzles in the portal there is not even one single Classic Sudoku. So the Variants Series has a funny start; its prologue is a Classic Sudoku: place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block.

Solve online in F-Puzzles (thanks megararagi!)

Solution code: Row 5, followed by column 1.

Last changed on on 23. November 2021, 19:09

Solved by NikolaZ, zuzanina, zorant, Fred76, lutzreimer, tuace, flaemmchen, ibag, Zzzyxas, saskia-daniela, Alex, rimodech, ffricke, r45, ManuH, ch1983, sternchen, karzym, deu, Rollie, adam001, Ute2, KlausRG, ... Hales, k2u5as, chien2000gl, jcelia, asver, 1Daylight, Nadav, 5381, koiking, Rüdiger, MrWhite2020, lpq29743, cozoq, latters176, Arne, moose_arm, samjvpaul, mocloud, Kachow, ArmagedDan, richliaofs
Full list


on 23. November 2021, 19:09 by Richard
Added link for online solving. Thx megararagi!

on 22. September 2021, 14:13 by Cyraneo
Another highly enjoyable puzzle!

on 10. November 2020, 21:57 by megararagi
New to Sudoku / Sudoku variants, I'm going to be going through this series trying to solve them all! Figure I will provide f-puzzles link for whichever ones don't have ones already


Last changed on 7. May 2016, 10:16

on 7. May 2016, 10:16 by ohm0123
it is art.

Last changed on 12. October 2014, 13:02

on 12. October 2014, 13:01 by Senor Dingdong
Das erste von meiner Mutter gelöste Portalrätsel. Da steht einem eigenen Account nichts mehr im Weg :-)

Last changed on 6. February 2014, 20:03

on 6. February 2014, 20:02 by Oliver Strauß
A simple and nice classic Version - good for training of some solving paths.

on 4. December 2013, 10:43 by ildiko
Mögen dir die Ideen nicht ausgehen, damit wir uns die nächsten 19 Jahre auf den Dienstag freuen können. Ich denke, ich bin nicht die einzige, die eine Kombination von zwei Varianten durchaus als als eigene Variante begrüßen würde. Je mehr, desto besser.

on 3. December 2013, 21:28 by Richard
@berni: it will be 010. :-)

on 3. December 2013, 19:46 by berni
Wenn man sich das (000) anschaut, dann kriegt man so eine Idee, in welcher Größenordnung Richard die Anzahl der Varianten sieht... Spannend wird es dann allerdings beim elften Sudoku: Lautet die Zahl dann 010 oder 00A?

on 3. December 2013, 14:41 by flaemmchen
Grossartige Idee ... ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten Dienstage :-))

Rating:80 %
Solved:392 times
Observed:13 times

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