Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tapa-Heyawake-Liebespaar (3)

(Published on 26. November 2013, 22:46 by usp)

A Heyawake and a Tapa fell in love and have to be solved together now.


  • Apply the normal rules to both the Heyawake and the Tapa.
  • Copy every black field of the Heyawake directly into the corresponding field of the Tapa. Fields with circles or numbers must not be blackened.
  • Write a number (greater than 0) in every segment of a circle in the Tapa. The sum of all numbers in each circle equals the number of white fields in the corresponding area in the Heyawake.
  • The little black point in the middle of each puzzle is intended to help you orientating and has no meaning for the solution of the puzzles.

Solution code: The 4. and the 8. column of the Heyawake, read in turn from top to bottom, followed by the 4. and the 8. row of the Tapa, read in turn from left to right. Type S for every black field and W for every white field.

Solved by saskia-daniela, relzzup, zorant, Alex, rimodech, ch1983, Utopia, adam001, pwahs, r45, joyal, pirx, ibag, Statistica, Katrin K, deu, matter, AnnaTh, flaemmchen, dm_litv, ManuH, pin7guin, cornuto, Luigi, Babsi, kiwijam, tuace, Mody, fridgrer, PRW, uvo, EKBM, Joe Average, ffricke, sandmoppe, moss, Zzzyxas, Fiffi, Matt, Jochen, ildiko, Uhu, misko, Joo M.Y, Mark Sweep
Full list


on 30. November 2013, 18:41 by ibag
Wieder richtig gut! Danke!

Rating:93 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:5 times

Puzzle combination Multi-grid puzzle

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