Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kleine Hochhausserie: Hochhausblöcke toroidal mit Renbangruppen (1)

(Published on 7. December 2013, 12:03 by CHalb)

Small Skyscraperseries: Cluster toroidal with Renban Groups (1)

Each boldly framed 4x4-square is a skyscrapers-puzzle without hintnumbers and in this instruction referred to as block. Additionally the numbers in the yellow cells are hintnumbers for the direct adjacent blocks and give the number of visible skyscrapers from this direction in the adjacent blocks. A number in a corner with two adjacent blocks is valid for both of them, not as the sum of the two directions. The numbers in the white cells never give the number of visible skyscrapers in adjacent blocks.

The grid has to be taken as a torus, so the upper and lower edges are connected as well as the right and left edges. So each cell at the edge of the diagram is a hintnumber for one or two adjacent blocks as well.

Orthogonally or diagonally connected yellow fields form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers in any order.

Solution code: Starting upper left clockwise for each of the four blocks the diagonal from upper left to lower right.

Last changed on on 30. May 2016, 17:48

Solved by moss, Ute2, ManuH, pirx, saskia-daniela, ibag, zuzanina, Mody, ch1983, RALehrer, rimodech, flaemmchen, pokerke, Rollo, adam001, Alex, AnnaTh, zorant, sandmoppe, Thomster, ffricke, derwolf23, ... Kekes, Rollie, joyal, HaSe, marcmees, uvo, KlausRG, RobertBe, Uhu, dm_litv, Resu, Krokofant, sf2l, mango, lutzreimer, ildiko, Matt, jessica6, Joe Average, StefanSch, Julianl, rcg, misko, Ulistef
Full list


on 24. July 2022, 19:18 by CHalb
@Ulistef: Das sieht so aus, als hättest du die vier Diagonalen der vier Blöcke nicht im Uhrzeigersinn eingegeben.

on 30. May 2016, 17:48 by CHalb
Typo fixed in the english version.

on 22. August 2015, 11:38 by Resu
Ups, da hatte ich wohl einen toroidalen Knoten im Hirn. Ich nehme alles zurück und behaupte das Gegenteil.

Last changed on 20. August 2015, 18:58

on 20. August 2015, 18:56 by CHalb
Nein, Resu, das soll freilich nicht so sein. Bitte schreib in einem verdeckten Kommentar deine Lösungen - oder beschreib vielleicht nur die Stellen, wo sie sich unterscheiden. Dann schau ich mir das mal an.

on 20. August 2015, 18:46 by Resu
Ich komme auf zwei Lösungen (der Code ist bei beiden gleich), kann/soll das so sein?

on 19. November 2014, 09:26 by CHalb
Stichwort ergänzt

on 7. December 2013, 15:38 by ibag
Toll konstruiert!

Rating:88 %
Solved:65 times
Observed:6 times

Puzzle variant Wraparound

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