Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kleine Hochhausserie: Gekoppelt mit Renbangruppen (2)

(Published on 6. December 2013, 12:03 by CHalb)

Small Skyscraperseries: Connected with Renban Groups (2)

You have to apply the normal rules for Skyscrapers to each of the four 5x5-blocks:
Each row or column contains skyscrapers of different height (from 1 to 5); the hintnumbers in the grey dotted fields indicate how many skyscrapers are visible from that direction.

The numbers in the grey dotted fields between the blocks are valid hintnumbers for both directions like in Gekoppelte Hochhäuser, not as sum of the two directions. Finding these numbers is part of the puzzle.

The green fields form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers in any order.

Example in Connected with Renban Groups (1)

Solution code: Starting upper left clockwise for each of the four blocks the diagonal from upper left to lower right.

Last changed on -

Solved by Kekes, pirx, Alex, adam001, ibag, Rollo, Ute2, zorant, lutzreimer, ch1983, sisi59, rimodech, saskia-daniela, Zzzyxas, zuzanina, moss, ManuH, Mody, tuace, flaemmchen, Eisbär, ffricke, AnnaTh, ... PRW, pin7guin, Semax, pokerke, Luigi, fridgrer, Rollie, marcmees, uvo, verflixt, kiwijam, KlausRG, Uhu, Krokofant, sf2l, HaSe, Joe Average, Thomster, ildiko, Matt, RobertBe, StefanSch, Nothere
Full list


on 10. January 2014, 15:15 by pin7guin
Ich finde diese Hochhausserie klasse!

on 8. December 2013, 13:54 by flaemmchen
Schöne Serie! Vielen Dank!

on 6. December 2013, 15:33 by Alex
da kann ich mich nur anschliessen :D

on 6. December 2013, 14:01 by Kekes
Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht :)

Rating:93 %
Solved:60 times
Observed:7 times

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