Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kleine Hochhausserie: Hoch angesehene Hinweise (2)

(Published on 2. December 2013, 12:03 by CHalb)

Small Skyscraperseries: Hints of high standing (2)

You have to apply the normal rules for Skyscrapers:
Each row or column contains skyscrapers of different height (from 1 to 5); the hintnumbers outside the grid in the grey fields indicate how many skyscrapers are visible from that direction.

In addition you have to take the hintnumbers as well as skyscrapers. The numbers in the white corner fields indicate, how many of these skyscrapers are visible from that direction.

Example in Hints of high standing (1)

Solution code: The diagonals from upper left to lower right and from upper right to lower left.

Last changed on -

Solved by BFaw, pirx, ibag, Errorandy, Alex, zuzanina, lutzreimer, Dandelo, Mody, Statistica, Babsi, moss, ch1983, Ute2, Zzzyxas, rimodech, saskia-daniela, AnnaTh, StefanSch, ffricke, zorant, adam001, tuace, ... Semax, Luigi, matter, fridgrer, cornuto, Rollie, verflixt, marcmees, uvo, KlausRG, sf2l, Krokofant, RobertBe, Resu, Toastbrot, Joe Average, ildiko, rubbeng, EKBM, Matt, Julianl, Nothere, misko
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on 10. August 2020, 19:48 by CHalb
Das ist ziemlich irre :-) .

on 7. August 2020, 14:33 by rob
Oh that's funny, I made almost the same puzzle (with one extra clue) a couple years later: https://maybepuzzles.com/2017/10/28/puzzle-149-skyscrapers-squared/

on 2. December 2013, 18:29 by Mody
Eine tolle Hochhausvariante :)

on 2. December 2013, 13:14 by ibag
Hier kam ich mit Logik besser durch als beim ersten. Vielleicht hab ich mich einfach schon ein bisschen eingedacht. Macht jedenfalls Spass!

Rating:92 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant New Computer assistance

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