WSC Beijing 2013
I had a great time during the World Sudoku Championship in Beijing. The quality of the sudokus was of a very high standard; I was impressed. So I have chosen four interesting new or uncommon sudoku variants to construct the portal anniversary puzzle. The digits 1 to 9 have to be placed in every row, column and 3x3-block.
X-difference sudoku (top left)
Adjacent cells with difference X between the two digits are divided by a grey bar, where X is unknown but a fixed integer between 1 and 8. If there is no grey bar, the difference cannot be X.
Answer 8 sudoku (top right)
Black dots in the grid imply that applying one of the binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) on the two neighboring digits result in the number 8. If there is no black dot between adjacent cells, 8 cannot be produced by the two digits going through any binary operations.
Sum sudoku (bottom left)
Numbers given between cells represent the sum of the two neighbouring digits.
Fortress sudoku (bottom right)
The digit in each grey cell is larger than any of the digits in its horizontally or vertically adjacent white cells.
WPC Beijing 2013
Also the quality level of the puzzles that were presented at the World Puzzle Championship in Beijing was of an outstanding level, in multiple ways. One of the interesting themes was a puzzle matrix, with interaction between the twelve different puzzle types in the border cells.
For my portal-anniversary puzzle I used this idea too: digits placed in cells in the border rows and border columns are the same in both grids; Column 9 of the upper left sudoku contains the same digits in the same order as column 1 of the upper right sudoku etcetera.
Solve online in F-Puzzles (Thanks glum_hippo!)
Solution code: Complete row 6 (18 digits), followed by complete row 11 (18 digits).
on 5. January 2023, 14:29 by HaSe
Gar nicht so schwer. Aber natürlich absolut sensationell konstruiert. Wegen solcher Meisterwerke bist Du schon immer die Nummer 1 am Sudokuautorenhimmel.
on 2. August 2022, 19:32 by Richard
Thanks for the recent kind words! Nice to see that a puzzle of almost a decade old is still attractive! :-)
And thanks to glum_hippo for the online link as well. (I know I have to put a lot of links in the puzzle descriptions; sorry for being so lazy/late! ;-)
on 2. August 2022, 19:24 by Krokant
I love these interwoven puzzles. This one is no exception. It has a really great flow to it. And not double but four times the fun. :)
on 4. June 2022, 04:00 by Nick Smirnov
Brilliant puzzle. Maybe one of my favourite of all time. I've scheduled this puzzle to be my 500th solve on LMG :D
I have missed this comment so far; thanks for these really kind words!
on 19. August 2021, 21:22 by glum_hippo
Please delete this if you don't want it here, Richard. Online solving link with answer check:
on 18. August 2021, 04:23 by glum_hippo
Ein echtes Kunstwerk! Nicht nur schön zu lösen, sondern einfach wunderbar schön zu betrachten!
on 30. June 2020, 07:08 by Richard
@glum_hippo: your question will be answered tonight (at work now).
on 27. June 2020, 17:05 by Richard
@glum_hippo: yes, that's correct. :-)
on 23. March 2020, 16:29 by cdwg2000
Welcome to Shanghai2020WpcWsc.
on 6. December 2019, 04:30 by tamz29
Very narrow solving path.
Nice puzzle!
on 21. November 2019, 09:46 by lubosh
What a beautiful one :-) Thx Richard !
on 14. January 2019, 12:51 by jessica6
1:14h? Eher 11:40. Aber schön wars.
on 11. January 2019, 13:43 by berni
Oh, wir haben das 10-jährige vergessen...
on 11. January 2019, 10:09 by kishy72
1hr 14 min.Nice linked grids.
on 15. September 2014, 19:17 by Senor Dingdong
A pleasure in every way! Thanks
on 13. September 2014, 21:31 by Ours brun
Excellent one. I am nearly a year late but thank you for one more great puzzle, Richard.
on 1. August 2014, 21:31 by CHalb
An extremely interesting puzzle; not many hints with rather subtle information. Richard, thanks a lot!
on 15. March 2014, 17:45 by cornuto
Spitzenmäßig. Vielen Dank Richard für dieses phantastische Sudoku.
on 16. January 2014, 23:23 by pin7guin
Mein 2000. gelöstes Rätsel!
So wie ildiko habe auch ich genau dieses Richard-Rätsel ausgewählt, um meinen Meilenstein mit diesem Jubiläumsrätsel würdig zu feiern.
Vielen Dank an Richard und alle weiteren Rätselautoren für viele vergnügliche und manchmal auch haareraufende Stunden mit euren Rätseln! :-)
on 4. December 2013, 09:27 by ildiko
Mein 1000. gelöstes Rätsel musste ein besonderes sein. Danke an Richard und alle anderen Rätselautoren für viele knifflige Stunden.
on 27. November 2013, 20:19 by tuace
Schwere Begeisterung!
on 16. November 2013, 04:15 by kiwijam
Wow, great puzzle! (and I don't even like sudokus ;-) )
on 14. November 2013, 03:39 by Rollo
Toll! :-) :-) :-)
on 8. November 2013, 22:01 by Statistica
Autsch, ich musste zweieinviertel mal ran ;-)
on 5. November 2013, 13:18 by ibag
Ja, zweimal hab ich es auch gemacht, und auch beim zweiten Mal war's noch schön. Danke, Richard, für den unermüdlichen Einsatz!
on 3. November 2013, 21:13 by SilBer
Bis zum Ende ein super spannendes Rätsel! Und ich durfte es fast komplett 2x lösen... :-)
on 3. November 2013, 17:28 by flaemmchen
So lang rätsel ich jetzt schon hier ... und es ist immer noch nicht langweilig geworden :-))
Vielen Dank Richard für Deine schönen Sudokus!
on 3. November 2013, 17:24 by Mody
Ein wunderbares Jubiläumsrätsel :)
Lieber Richard, vielen Dank an dieser Stelle.
on 3. November 2013, 10:12 by AnnaTh
Es gibt Rätsel, da wünscht man sich, dass sie nie zu Ende gehen. Dies ist so ein Rätsel. Super!
on 2. November 2013, 01:21 by rimodech
enjoyed... :)
on 1. November 2013, 15:41 by ch1983
Großartig konstruiert und wie immer logisch lösbar, danke :-)
on 1. November 2013, 15:09 by Saskia
Was wuerden wir nur ohne Dich machen Richard! Und vielen Dank auch an alle anderen Raetselautoren!!!