Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

1001-Nacht-Rundwege aus Paralleluniversen

(Published on 4. November 2013, 05:55 by ibag)

Just at Alex's birthday two wormholes opened in my flat, and two birthday slitherlinks appeared, which the Ali Babas and the Sindbads in two parallel universes had created together. So does the first diagram look like:

And this is the second one:

First I thought both diagrams came from the same parallel universe, and I was about to throw one of them away, but then two completely different solution codes appeared. For the wormholes closed just after that, no further instructions appeared.

Last week I had listened to a lecture of Professor Wirrwarr, the famous puzzle cosmologist, with the topic "Cosmologican Invariants of Parallel Created Puzzles". According to his theories the following facts are evident for each of the puzzles:

- One of the authors made a crypto-puzzle, the other one used number hints.

- One of them gave ordinary slitherlink hints refering to the edges, the other one gave hints which refer to the used vertices.

- One of them used hints, which are correct inside and "knapp daneben" outside the loop, the hints from the other one are just vice versa.

Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop clockwise, beginning in the upper left corner. First for the loop with the smaller value for the number NACHT, then for the other one.

Last changed on -

Solved by relzzup, zorant, SilBer, RALehrer, r45, ildiko, Alex, pirx, Mody, rimodech, Statistica, rob, ch1983, pokerke, zuzanina, Luigi, flaemmchen, pin7guin, matter, Camponotus, tuace, Calavera, fridgrer, kiwijam, AnnaTh, dm_litv, Babsi, sandmoppe, Joe Average, moss, pandiani42, ffricke, polar, Jesper
Full list


on 22. June 2016, 14:51 by Joe Average

on 17. May 2015, 17:34 by AnnaTh
Hurra! Jetzt, nach Teil 1 klappte es auch wunderbar mit diesem hier!

on 23. February 2014, 21:58 by pin7guin
Klasse - und wenn man schon mit Teil 1 geübt hat, geht es prima logisch durch.

on 19. February 2014, 13:44 by flaemmchen

on 7. February 2014, 17:28 by zuzanina
Wenn man erstmal reingekommen ist, löst sich das zweite Rätsel fast von selbst...!
Märchenhaft schön! :-)

on 21. January 2014, 08:29 by Statistica
Ganz klasse. Danke!

on 14. November 2013, 09:55 by Mody
Zwei Rätsel mit identischen Vorgaben, aber völlig unterschiedlichen Lösungen sind einfach nur genial :)

on 8. November 2013, 11:47 by Alex
ich hoffe nun auf weitere Oeffnungen der Wurmloecher, hat Riesenspass gemacht! Nochmal vielen, vielen Dank!

on 6. November 2013, 14:10 by r45
Ein wahnsinnig schönes Rätsel. Wirklich unglaublich, wie das alles zusammenpasst.

on 5. November 2013, 08:56 by SilBer
Nanu, beim zweiten Versuch ging es deutlich schneller. Wunderschön. Wahnsinnig ästhetisch, dass das wirklich aufgeht.

on 4. November 2013, 12:41 by relzzup
Great puzzle! Thank you Gabi!

Rating:99 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:3 times

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